How hot is it where you are?

Really? AHHH so hot! I have no idea the exact temperature it is over here, but it is still ridiculously hot. (Not as much as 112 degrees Fahrenheit, though). Evidence of global warming.
It's like 80 degrees outside rn but when I go outside, it goes up to 102 for some reason.
It was 95 today but felt like 105 tbh. I ended up with a headache from the heat with the constant switch of temperature (AC inside, hot af outside). :(
It's kinda cold and rainy (and it's midnight), but right now it's 62.

A few weeks ago, it was about 110, I wanted to die honeslty.
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It's kinda cold and rainy (and it's midnight), but right now it's 62.

A few weeks ago, it was about 110, I wanted to die honeslty.

Same here, 63, but it's past midnight and it's rainy.

Okay, I just noticed we were living in the same spot lol
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Well right now it's in the low 60's since it's night time but during the day it's around the 75-80s
According to my phones weather, it says it's 18 out, Celsius. And it's 11:47 PM
Yes, up to like, 118? F. What's worse is I have soccer practice.