How hot is it where you are?

It was around 30C for weeks and now the temp just died. It is around 20C now with loads of rain.
Currently 79 degrees Fahrenheit here in Jackson, MS, but it's usually much hotter during the day. It's supposed to be 88 degrees tomorrow.
It's been raining a lot, so...
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More spring weather than summer here, between 25?C and 30? the highest
It's perfect like this
where are you guys with the temperatures over 100 degrees F?

humidity makes all the difference...
Very nasty as is the norm in Southern California. I wish it was a clean 30 degrees cooler or so.
about 85 right now, although it's 6pm. during the day it was at least mid-90's. D:
Around 90, which is about as hot as it gets where I live. Typically during the summer it's usually in the 70s or maybe into the 80s.
Enough. Although we've had an abnormal amount of days this summer where the temperatures have been cool. Like it stayed in the low 70s this last Monday. o.o
I don't know what temperature but it's been gross since early morning. =[ I tried to cook something earlier in the day and it was really gross and muggy in the house already so I had to leave the kitchen several times to cool down. =[ California sucks.