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How long did it take you to learn how to drive?


Unhindered Dreamer
Mar 3, 2018
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Basically what the title says. Even thou I'm an adult and I could have gotten my full permit, I have the learners because driving is hard. I feel like it's gonna take me a few months to be able to drive almost half an hour to work, made even worse that I live in a state with some of the WORSE drivers there are (I wish I was joking).
I've only just started learning last year (pretty much six years after everyone else my age rip). Hopefully I finish all the hours I have to do and pass the tests in the next year or so
My state gives permits at 15 and six months and full licenses at 16 and three months, but I didn’t get my license until I was 16 and six months because... I was lazy? Idk I got tired of doing all my hours for the log lol. But then my “younger” friends started to get their licenses, so I was like, “welp, guess now’s the time.”

I had a handful of friends who didn’t get their licenses (not even their learner’s) until they were 18 or even older for a variety of reasons, so you’re definitely not strange or anything. Good luck with the learning process. :)
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I got my learners at 18 and then got my license at 19. I was really scared to drive for a long time and never attempted to when I was 15 or 16 like everyone else did.

Now I'm going 80mph, driving with my knee, eating a taco. (I'm completely kidding about that, but im 100% comfortable driving now lol)
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I got my learners at 18, then my drivers like last month LOL (i just turned 20). i'm honestly still scared and can't drive by myself on highways yet. the only places i can go by myself is around communities where the limit is 50km/h :'))
My stepdad taught me to drive in about three or four days in his tiny Datsun(now called Nissan).Later,when I took driver's ed. in high school it took me another five days to get used to the big,floaty Chevy they used for the class.A few years after that I learned how to drive with a manual transmission and that took about a week to get the hang of.
I learned to drive a long time ago, but I was very motivated because I wanted my freedom and independence and that's what a driver's license meant to me. I started learning when I was 15 and got my license at 16, as soon as I was able. I'm not going to lie, it was scary at first and I remember having moments where I broke down in tears on the highway and had to pull over because I got too scared to merge. But all of that passes and before you know it, driving becomes second nature. Just don't push yourself too hard (all of my breakdowns were caused by my dad pushing into situations I knew I wasn't ready for). Go at a pace that makes you comfortable and you'll get there. Good luck!
I’m 22 and still don’t have my driver’s license or a car. I started learning back when I was 18 and stopped. I don’t see myself resuming learning how to drive anytime soon. It’s super dangerous out here because other drivers are dumb as ****, and I’m not going to support the oil/gas industry if I don’t have to. In 10 years time electrically fueled, self-driving cars should be viable if not close to viable anyway.
I think it really depends on if you live in a rural or city area.. city can be more stressful!
I took a drivers ed course when I was 15 and got my permit, but I lived in the suburbs which was pretty easygoing.
I got my license when I was 16, but I tested in a really calm suburban neighborhood and it wasn?t stressful at all.
I moved to a city a few years later, however, and found that it was a lot more stressful to learn how to drive in the city and in places with traffic. Also, sometimes it?s easier to get on public transportation or on foot instead of a car. I lived in NYC a couple summers ago and it was way easier to get around on the subway or bus than drive a car.
But I have also lived in a very rural area and you need cars there to get anywhere. But it?s way less stressful to drive there.
Really, it was just a little easier for me to get my license at that time because I lived in a more rural area. When you live in more stressful areas to drive, I think people wait on it because it?s not really necessary or worth all the stress. I?ve lived in both.
I've been learning to drive off and on since I got my first permit at 15 1/2 y.o. I have a car, but I still don't have my license, though I'm very close to getting it. Hoping to get it before the next semester of college starts!
I got my learner's licence a month after turning 17 and a year later, I got my regular one. I remember being terrified during the test because the examiner who tested me had the reputation of being the most strict in my city. In the end though, it was fine :)
i've barely been able to drive since i first got my permit 5 years ago. my family didn't have a good enough car, but also i'm scared of driving. i used to have nightmares when i was younger, and then my mom got into a car crash and the crash happened on my side of the car. i don't know when i'll ever drive
I don't even remember...I got my license nearly a decade ago.

Just ask a family member to take you to a huge parking lot during late evenings to drive around and get a feel for turning, accelerating, braking smoothly, etc. Takes about 3 days if it's an automatic car. After nailing that, go to the area where the license test will be conducted during late evening hours and drive around there and practice parallel parking a bit with the cones.

You'll be fine. Super easy exam, even the dumbest people in the world can pass and I'm confident in that from the way I see drivers drive on a day to day basis.
couple of months I think.
I got my learners when I was like 22, didn't actually start taking lessons until I was 24. Didn't actually start driving until 27.

As for actually passing, it took about 35-40 lessons (dunno how long. 35-40 hours, usually 2 lessons a week) and I passed the second time. I failed the first pretty much because I was nervous as hell and made mistakes I never made in lessons (such as the first time I stalled the car being during my test...So I didn't know how to respond).

Doesn't seem that weird to me for people to get licences or cars later on. Even at 27, I was/am still the only person out of all my friends and "people I speak to occasionally" who had a licence or a car. It's only very recently any of my friends have gotten their licence and car, her being 24. A work friend got his last week at 19, but he's really into cars so that's a bit different.
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I don't even remember...I got my license nearly a decade ago.

Just ask a family member to take you to a huge parking lot during late evenings to drive around and get a feel for turning, accelerating, braking smoothly, etc. Takes about 3 days if it's an automatic car. After nailing that, go to the area where the license test will be conducted during late evening hours and drive around there and practice parallel parking a bit with the cones.

You'll be fine. Super easy exam, even the dumbest people in the world can pass and I'm confident in that from the way I see drivers drive on a day to day basis.

So far I have been driving around my neighborhood, which has curvy streets and occasionally out with traffic lights, but hardly. I struggle with keeping a steady pace of 25 mph, and I'm scared of even going 40. It probably doesn't help that my brake pads are squishy, but those will get changed before I even drive for real. I'm eventually going to drive in a parking lot to practice parking. My first 2 or 3 attempts of pulling in the driveway (from curvy streets) haven't been perfect. My last 2 attempts have been better, my tires are actually on the 2 strips of concrete.
i got my permit when i was 15 but i didn't get my actual license until two years later at 17. it definitely took a lot of practice and i was usually too lazy to go out and drive so uh. it took a little longer than it should have, lol.
i remember i was SO bad at first but the more i did it the more confident and smooth i was. the hardest part was definitely parking for me, especially the reverse 90. i failed the test twice and on the third time, i passed but i was *so* close to failing that portion of parking. even normal parking was hard for me and i never really got a grasp on that until i started driving on my own and i was forced to grab any parking spot i could find at school.
but yes good luck learning to drive!! it's a lot more freeing getting your license and not having to rely on others as much.
My father scared me out of learning to drive. It was actually my at-the-time boyfriends grandpa who taught me how to drive. I think I got my first official license at 21. But because of my father, I?m still a nervous driver and prefer others to drive.