How many events will you have completed?

How many events have you entered?

  • 0-5

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • 6-10

    Votes: 8 13.1%
  • 11-15

    Votes: 13 21.3%
  • 16-All

    Votes: 34 55.7%

  • Total voters


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Apr 7, 2020
Throwback Tickets
Hot Heart Balloon
Hot Heart Balloon
Hot Heart Balloon
Hot Heart Balloon
Hot Heart Balloon
Hot Feather
Dragonscale Easter Egg
Dragonscale Easter Egg
Dragonscale Easter Egg
Hot Feather
Are you trying to get as many tickets as possible or just doing whatever you can or have time for?

I'm going to try for most of them but I don't think I'll have time for the writing contest and definitely won't have time for any LAN party event.
I’ve entered a total of 16 (including the cooking event). I might consider the Villager Birthday Parties, but still steer clear from the Canvas Crossing.
I've entered about 10 or 11 events. I usually try to do them all but I've started to run out of steam. I've got a good amount of tickets though considering I've ignored like 5 events
I am doing everything I possibly can 🥺 honestly it is a lot. I am having fun as love events. I am obsessed with getting a cyan heart but think I have to make peace that I am probably going to just miss it. I will get something nice but I am sad as this is possibly my only chance.
I think I'm going to end up doing 12. I did everything released in round 1, but I'm losing steam for round 2. I need to focus on work. I was originally going for the magenta pinwheel but I think I'm going to settle with one of the 96-ticket items.
I entered 12 events! I plan on partaking in at least 15 of them, and the only events I have yet to submit an entry for are Besting Blunders, Canvas Crossing, and (even though I'm going to finish this today), Colorful Confetti. I might make something for the cooking event but it takes plenty of time and I already have school to worry about, and there's no way I can do the LAN Party one.
I'm planning to try to do most of them. But it might be tough to get them all done.

I really struggle with drawing. I can't seem to be able to draw what's in my head. For some reason, I've been finding it easier to just draw a blob-ish shape, then use the eraser to shape it right. So much easier than trying to draw things directly! But this requires me to be more careful with layers. So it's a slow process. I still need to do one canvas crossing drawing, and the memories drawing.

Bricklink! Omg I'm sooo bad at bricklink. 😂
But participation points count, so I'll get it done.

No idea what I'm going to make for a delectable delight dessert. I have an idea for the story writing, but it's kind of meh?

So much to do! But I'm definitely aiming to try them all. 😅
I intend and hope to be able to complete every event because I really want both a Black Feather and a White Feather. That said, I've got nothing coming to mind for the writing event, the Lego event is a bit of a headache because the BrickLink program isn't beginner friendly and I still have a bunch to do on it, and the coloring events always take forever.
I intend and hope to be able to complete every event because I really want both a Black Feather and a White Feather. That said, I've got nothing coming to mind for the writing event, the Lego event is a bit of a headache because the BrickLink program isn't beginner friendly and I still have a bunch to do on it, and the coloring events always take forever.

Bricklink is making me crazy! Glad I'm not the only one struggling with it, but also -sorry you are having issues with it.

I can't figure out how to move a whole completed structure without taking it all apart. So once it's done it's permanent, cuz it's such a headache to move stuff around. 😅

My story is going to be boring. I just have an idea (which is boring), and i kind of want to stick with it anyway, haha.
I wanted to do most but depression is making it hard and also have been losing steam 😅. I am honestly trying not to count how many I did. I did all of round 1 events. I won’t be doing the dessert activity and probably not the writing. I’m in the process of the canvas crossing but because if some stuff going on with my mood, might stop. I really want to keep going for Inky and because the fair had been so much fun and is a great mood booster, but it is really difficult to push myself when I have low energy and mood is not good (the fair is really has been helping my mood overall but partly because I’m running out of steam and not keeping myself busy consistently, it is hard to keep my mood up not to mention other factors).
Trying to do as many as I can, I think I am doing well by spreading my time on activites and having breaks in between. :)
I am not completely sure what I would do my tickets, but I will wait till later~
I’m trying to do a lot of them, but I don’t have the skill for some of the events or anything in the contest. So I’m probably doing 10 of them if I can do LAN Party, and I’m not going to write anything (because if I do find the time, it would be extremely cringe and I don’t want to put anyone through the torture of reading it lol), draw anything, color anything, cook anything, or build anything. I definitely have no shot of getting any of the expensive things, but oh well.
I’m planning to complete every single one! Finished everything in round 1, but I really need to get a move on when it comes to round 2. I’m going to a convention next Thursday and will be there the whole final weekend of the Fair, so I really only have less than a week to complete everything 😨 And the con dates overlap with the final confetti collection round and quiz event, so I’ll have to figure out a way to fit those in 😭
I think about 14 events. I ended up doing more than I thought I would . The Canvas Crossing I think I will skip as I tried but I’m so bad at drawing I gave up. I now have enough tickets to get my two dream collectibles and maybe one more . So I am so happy.
I've participated in 13 of the events so far, and am currently working on my entry for the 14th! I was hoping to be able to participate in every event, but I got sick a few days after the fair started and am still recovering (plus looking after my parents who are also sick), so I'm only doing the events I actually want to do/can do.

The only event I'm 100% not participating in is Brick Building Bonanza. I'm still undecided on Delectable Delights and Besting Blunders, but I'll probably do one of them and not do the other. Right now, making a dessert sounds easier than trying to write a 500-2k word story with my brain fog. 😂

I plan on participating in/have participated in everything else!
I plan on participating on everything! I'm still working on my colouring entry though, and need to do my room and stories!