How many hours do you play for in a day?


Senior Member
Sep 20, 2018
New Horizons Token
November Birthstone (Topaz)
A rough estimate at least. :)

The first week I played for longer sessions but it’s definitely settled down now. At max, 4-5 hours a day with breaks of course.
I usually play anywhere from 4-5 to 6 hours a day. Less if I'm not feeling inspired, or I get tired of farming bugs.
Almost the whole day. Eat breakfast, play, eat lunch, play, eat dinner, play then sleep. Rinse and repeat lmao. But yesterday and today I've been resting and doing some cleaning around the house.
One to two hours, probably. I only started Tuesday night, and I haven't had that much time during the week. I think I might have played a bit more yesterday, and I'll probably play a bunch this afternoon/evening.
Under the week: 4 hours per day

Weekends: about 9 hours (Saturday and Sunday)

And listening to Podcast or Youtube playlist.
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Lol I don't even want to think about it. 4-8 hours per day probably, but I spend a lot of that time with the game idle and lurking/posting on here.
It depends on the day. I'm off of work right now so I've been playing a lot. I didn't play as much yesterday because of the pace. Today, I played for a few hours. It will probably be cut back to about an hour or two. Maybe.

My average has been about 2-8 hours a day currently because it is brand new and I've just been wanting to play it. I've been cutting back to about 4ish hours now. I'm working on getting back on a real schedule during the week which means I should be cutting down to 2ish hours during the week or less and more on the weekend.
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I'm off work and doing online classes, so shamefully like.. all day. We cant leave the house because of Coronavirus here, so I don't know what else I'd be doing.
Since we have to stay home, I've been playing pretty much all day this week haha.
honestly, since this quarantine i havent had any school so ive been playing from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to sleep. the first five days i didnt go on this forums so i literally played all day. now most of the time while playing i take lil breaks to look at the forums or watch a bit of a livestream and go back to playing. ive also taken a nap the past few days. i think its kinda unhealthy the amount im playing, but eventually i'll find a daily routine and finish it fast then i can move onto other things.
If I’m at work 5 if I’m home all day lol.
Since they cut my hours at work due to quarantine, I play on and off pretty much all day ^^; Once all this is over I'll probably cut back to 3-4 hours a day haha!
I'd say 1-3 hours per sitting, meaning if I decide to play twice in one day it'd be 2-6 hours total, at least in the beginning part of the game so far. Most of the time with New Leaf it took 1 hour or less per sitting if I'm not feeling it and just wanna do my dailies, which I'll probably do in New Horzions too soon

I adore this series but I simply cant have my attention held for very long with how little there is to do sometimes when theres no events going on :'O
A few hours a day, sometimes it fluctuates, but i'd say normally 1-2!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

i've had a lot of time due to school being cancelled, so yeah!! I'm really happy with this game and I can't wait to play more!
I usually play for 2-3 hours sessions throughout the day, and now I have a lot of time to spare so it comes down to a lot. Usually it'd be 2 sessions, one when I'm available to get everything done in daylight and then before the store closes to earn some bells.
to be honest, right now the game is brand new and i don't have much to do because of quarantine, so ive been playing almost all day lol. that will def taper off though as i start to have other responsibilities again