Since we're currently on lockdown in the UK I've been totalling probably around 10-12 hours ish!!
I think I'd play less but my friends are in the same situation so we're just constantly playing together, not a bad thing I suppose but it's such a distraction from college work haha
ngl i can only play like 1-2 hours before i get severely bored. the tutorial days are sooooo slow and im honestly tired of doing the one daily task and then going to catch bugs and fish. monday should finally shake things up because tomorrow my first camper will appear
Probably about 2-4 hours each day on average. (I mean the other day I probably spent at least an hour listening to Blathers...) I kinda dip in and out of it throughout the day. It was a bit more at first but I don't think I get much more from it by spending longer playing it.
if there's something to do, like collect materials for something or whatever then I'll usually play for like 2-3 hours because I want to get it done in one day. but like the last 3 days I've been playing for like an hour or less because nothing was happening, just the 3 islanders moving in. and there's only so many fish and bugs I can catch before I get bored lol
I usually just play on and off all day, if I'm able. Like I'll play for a little while (maybe an hour or two), put it down to do something else, then rinse and repeat.
On an average day, when I'm not as free, I'll play 30 minutes to an hour. Depending on when I wake up.
2-3 (or more) depending on how much free time I have with school work!
This game came out at just the right time lol, keeps me entertained that way I don't go crazy in my house with having 3/4 of my family home