How many islands do you have?


Senior Member
Apr 10, 2020
I am interested to know how many islands everyone has here. I have 4, mainly because of the lockdowns I decided to get more so I can pass the time.. I love this game
I only have one. I can’t find a job so I can’t afford another switch; I’m not interested in another one anyways. I’m still working on coming up with ideas for this one island I have. I think if I had any more, I’d get either stressed and/or lose interest and need a long break. That’s great that you are enjoying the game this much to have that many islands :). I do envy all the options you have for decorating and having different villagers. Since I’m having trouble figuring out to make do with furniture we have, I figure it wouldn’t change if i got more switches.
I only have one island. I suppose I have an additional quarter to half an island (my partner's). 🤣 We ask each other for feedback and ideas and help each other cycle villagers we like.

It's great that New Horizons is helping you through these challenging times! The one island is plenty for me (e.g. farming balloons for one alternate character is taking plenty of time, for the Mush and Tree's Bounty recipes). Part of the fun for me are the decision-making processes I go through, like what villagers I want, how I want to design my island, etc. I enjoy the challenge of working under constraints. It helps that most things aren't permanent/set in stone in this game, so I can change things up whenever I want to (i.e. whenever I get bored with the status quo).
I have one, and I'm not getting another either. I could and would, but I know myself... It's cheaper for me to reset the game than to buy a second switch for having another island.

I tried with e.g. Stardew Valley, to have more than 1 save file and play different maps at the same time. In the end, all maps but one ended up deserted. So yeah...
How do you have time for 4? I have 2 and it was a little stressful on Halloween because I wasn’t sure I would have time to play both of them. I love having a second island though because I want to make a haunted island which wouldn’t work on Goose Isle. I also really missed the beginning of the game and wanted to play though it again. It would be so much easier if we could have multiple save files.
While technically I participate on two islands I consider it more one and a half islands; the first island is shared by my my parents and me whereas my second (and main) island is all mine.
i only have one ! i’m not sure how to be able to have more than one? would you need two copies of the game?
Only the one. I don't really see myself wanting to reset anytime soon or balance two different files at the same time. Though if they ever come out with an Action Replay for the Switch and it acts the same as the 3DS one, I'll just back up my save that way before restarting. That way I can have more than one island while not spending the cash on multiple Switch.
i only have one ! i’m not sure how to be able to have more than one? would you need two copies of the game?

you need two switches and possibly two copies of the game. I think there’s a way to do it with only one copy of the game, but I bought a second copy because it was easier.
I only have one. I had 6 New Leaf games. I'm sure I would do the same with Horizons , if it didn't require a switch for each game. Maybe that's a good thing. Lol
I have two. I barely play the second one. I've ideas for it, but I probably won't invest too much time into it until my main island is closer to completion.
One is enough for me! Love the game, but wouldn't want to do twice the upkeep. I see the benefits of having multiple though. Different designs, villagers, and purposes. I've seen a few islands dedicated to trading/cataloging, and the results are impressive.
Just one for the first year at least. I may treat myself to a second Switch if there's a nice revision or price drop at some point.
I also only have one and agree with the others that I think it would be too much to juggle playing two islands at a time. I wanted to do more work on my New Leaf town while playing New Horizons and I couldn't really manage doing those two things simultaneously either.

I'll probably just re do my island later when I get bored of it or possibly even restart for a completely different island.
I have two, one I started the day of release and the other June 1st. I ended up liking my second town more and it became my main island. I've come to really appreciate not time traveling and it makes me enjoy the second town way more. I still play on both towns, my first town I usually play with my friends, collect items, and time travel while on my second I spend the time decorating, dreaming, and playing day by day. whenever I start getting tired of acnh the first copy to be neglected is my first town, I'm a big fan of the series and had a few new leaf towns so I know ill be keeping up with both my islands for much to come
I have two, one from release and one later. I love designing the islands so I wanted another to work on since I finished my main one :)
I have two.
One switch and one lite. My husband knows AC is my game and that I had multi towns in NL so he encouraged me to get my second.
My main switch is also the ACNL themed one and I don't like to travel with it (not that much travel is happening rn thanks to the pandemic) so I like having the lite for when we do eventually go on trips again.

Back in NL, I had different themes in each but they were all still relatively modeled to be "normal" living towns. This time around in NH, I still have an asian-inspired town but the second is more dark/eerie inspired. Both are still WIP tho, the second won't really be worked on til I finish my first/main town.
I have one and I can’t really imagine having more than one because my island isn’t even finished yet and I’ve been playing since March. For New Leaf I had 3 games.
Like a lot of others, one is enough for me. Managing & planning takes up a lot of time for just the one & it’s far from completion after going through a few revamps. xD I do find the idea of having 10 more villagers appealing though & can see why you would enjoy having more than 1 island 👀