How many islands do you have?

My goodness OP...4 islands??? I used to have two islands but ended up deleting my second one a couple days ago due to rarely ever playing it...I couldn't imagine having 4. I grossly underestimated just how much work it would take to manage multiple islands at the same time. The main reason I bought a second copy in the first place was to have more villagers as I found the 10 max limit wasn't enough (still don't...should be 15 imo). I think I'll just give away my second copy to some random kid or maybe I'll just hold onto it in case I finally stop being forever alone and find the love of my life to start a new island with
i only have one, but my younger sister is going to be getting her switch in the mail soon, and this is definitely one of the games i look forward to introducing her to. because of her age, i know i'll be helping her out quite a bit with her own 🖤 already have her fruit stacks ready and waiting. i can't wait to see her face monday.
Two, only because my brother lets me use his switch as well. If you're not making money from playing (like streaming, YouTube, whatever else) I find it rather pointless to spend $1,000+ on switches
If I had a 2nd switch I can make a 2nd island but for now I just have only 1 Island in new Horizons. Here's hoping they add a new feature to make another island.
Oh my goodness. 4 is a lot. I can barely keep up with the one I have now. I used to have two towns in new leaf, but I don’t think I’ll be doing it in new horizons.
I only have one. I would likely have two, if it wasn’t for the fact that I’d need another console. I bought the game digitally when it released because the shops were all closed due to the lockdown. I’d love to have a physical copy of the game but it’s silly to pay nearly $100 twice when it won’t actually give me another island.
Just one island.

The main issue is time. I only have so much time and so many games to play. I'm doing a brand new playthrough of Stardew Valley after the major 1.5 content update. And once Baldur's Gate 3 gets another major update to its early access game, I'll jump back into that one too. I still play AC an hour a day because I love my islanders, but there's never enough time for all the games I want to play! 😆
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I have only one island. Even ignoring the standard issue of requiring other Switches to have multiple islands, I don't have the desire to have multiple islands and I feel like there's no way I could run multiple islands, lol.
I have two, and to be honest, I love it. I think it is kind of ridiculous to have two, but I’ve been so obsessive, and I had some birthday money (a gift from my parents after my real gift was lost in the mail) and got a promotion at work so I figured I could do something a little crazy and treat myself (so I got a bright yellow switch lite that I adore and is so cute). My original island i consider my real island but I feel like I am a little more free and whimsical with my second. I’m exploring story telling a lot more, and playing as a character who is not an avatar for myself. I’ve never played AC before and so I guess I just wanted to dive all the way in - I also have never found a game I like so much and currently play no other games.

(and let’s be honest it was really 90% so I could experience and find more villagers)

I thought about trying out new leaf (I have a ds and a 3ds) but I wasn’t sure I could deal with the different look and game play (no crafting? No island hopping? No nook miles?)

so anyway, yes, two islands, and I love it. I do my best not to let it consume me, and though I play my main game every day, I give myself permission to not play my second everyday (which is why it is running a week behind real time because I am obsessive enough that I want my character to experience ‘every day’). And I make sure to make time everyday to do non ac stuff too.

definitely will not be getting more than 2 islands.
Switches just came back in stock around Christmas, so I was able to get a 2nd one. I now have 2 islands, and I must say, it is a bit time consuming to manage 2. I do love having the ability to experiment with different ideas on one without messing up my main.
I only have just the one island and I probably won’t be making a new one as I am finding it hard finishing the one I have now :(
I find that one island is more than enough work, I can't even keep my flowers under control. I also expect the completion terraforming and landscaping to take several years since I'm going at it very slowly.
just one, honestly just like some have said i could only manage one, plus i cannot afford more than one switch lol (also i find owning mutliple switches for just animal crossing to be a waste of money anyways)

though i am always tempted by a second island because one, id love the name raindrop (my stardew valley and story of seasons farms are called that), and two, when choosing sleeptimes island layout i wasnt paying attention and my river mouths are both located on the bottom and my resident services is soo close to my entrance
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I also only have one.
But I'd love to get more! I have a lot of ideas but not enough space and dont wanna destroy and rebuild all the time either.
I am nor ready tp buy another switch, game and have another character like that though (atm!). My dream is that Nintendo brings the option (maybe in a year, when some people might be "done" with their islands) to manage another island as your same character (so keeping all your achievements, catalogue). You can decide where to sleep so to say. And have different villagers or themes on each island. I wouldnt mind paying something for it, like half price of the game to get an additional island :)
I had 1 for the longest time (since launch), then made a 2nd one on the 1st of November. I wanted to start fresh with a different aesthetic, but I wasn’t gonna reset my main island (I hadn’t even finished it yet lol). Soooo I bought a switch lite, and Animal Crossing is the only game I have on it so far. It was honestly worth the purchase!

I can handle two just fine, especially since I’m only going to be doing actual work on just one now. But I could never do more than that. Mostly because I could never spend more money on another switch, but also because managing 3+ seems like a big hassle.
Just one keeps me well occupied. I can't imagine buying another Switch just to have a second island. I would LOVE to be in a situation where that was an option financially, though! lol 💸💸💸

I've already redone my whole island once. I can't imagine starting over with a new island.
I don't think I can handle more than one island; that seems really overwhelming to me. I'm good with just one island.
I have three islands, though one is temporary. I am trying to get copies of the various Nook Redemption Miles stuff, like different-colored streetlamps, springy ride-ons, et al. Once I'm satisfied, I'll re-roll it to become a permanent island, though I don't have a permanent name in mind.
I only have one and for where I am currently with my island that is enough for me. I spent a long time doing a load of mystery island tours to get all the villagers I wanted and now I’ve found them all I’m working on collecting DIY recipes and working on my island. I find this occupies most of the time I have to play the game so don’t think I could split my attention perfecting two islands at the moment.
In the future though I wouldn’t be against a second island to hunt for some villagers that I couldn’t fit on my island and try out a new island map to try and decorate another style of island.