How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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I figured most were female just based on the fact that there are a BILLION QR codes for girl's clothing, and not nearly as much for males. I wanted to make a ton of male clothes just to make up for that. XD;
Guy here, older one at that. Was never into 'realistic' shooters like CoD/BF, they drive me insane. More of an RPG player, been dabbling in them since the glory days of the Super Nintendo. :D So, wonderful time-waster games like Harvest Moon came naturally to me. My fiancee was really into AC, and her enthusiasm for New Leaf led me to get a copy. I haven't regretted it for a day, learning the nuances of cycling villagers to get her all of her dream villagers, and working on a list of my own after I reset the town! Also happy to have stumbled on this place, what I've seen so far has been a pretty nice community. ^^
Male checking in. Yeah I've already guessed one user wrong, thought they were a guy and people started laughing telling me that they were a girl.
One of the minority males, here! I'd like to think that I do my best daily to represent the kinder side of my gender. ;)
Female, but I can be a bit of a tomboy sometimes, I refuse to wear dresses or skirts... my Mum tries to make me though :mad:
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I'm a girl but grew up with my cousins and they are all boys so I act like a boy and refuses to where anything pink, dresses and to have makeup.
I consider myself a Female-to-Male transgender but I'm biologically a female currently since I'm too young for drastic operations.