How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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AC isn't the kinda game that would attract boys on first sight haha. It's expected to have more females playing it

Yeah true, I like relaxing games. Not the kind that make me want to swear at the TV and throw my controller out my window.. I'm looking at you Fifa... damn you!
I'm a girl. It's nice how this game attracts both genders for the most part though.
Male here, I didn't expect myself to ever be able to like foruming. But lo and behold, I can't help get one at least twice everyday now. x)
Good. I need a nice amount of dairy. lol :rolleyes: (This is my 3000th post! Woo!!)

Whee~ Gratz!
You should commemorate this milestone by being my friend because I'm lonely in this site! :D

Funnily enough, when I used to play ACWW and was a member of a different forum, most seemed to be guys.
MTF, but that's just a label, I've always been female, just wasn't expressive of it and lacking the fun body chemicals earlier in life x.x
You can blame society for most of it. lol.

I've met a lot of other guys who are really into games like this, but simply don't play it because a lot of people would think that it's "wrong" simply because they're male. It's daft as hell.

It is daft! I thought it would appeal a little more to women, but I can also see lots of men playing too. There's a lot of factors that I think apply more to personality than to gender.

I think it's a game that appeals to people that like to collect, organize, decorate, plan, build, design, catch, hunt, make friends, talk & dress up!
Those are both male & female activities.
From what I've experienced, a large majority of players in ACNL are girls. I enjoy it because i do play a lot of online games on steam and my PS4 and I do encounter heaps of male players. Most of them are lovely and very helpful when I ask questions but there is no way you can play and online game directed at men without being harrassed because you are female. This isn't technically a bad thing for me because i'm not easily intimidated but it is nice to have change when interacting with the same gender online. When I do meet male players on ACNL they have so far been sweet, helpful & easy to talk to (most of them i wish I could meet irl), so it is always a nice surprise to see you guys on animal crossing.

Shout out to all the female & MALE players who have made my time on ACNL relaxing and super-duper fun!!!
I actually had this game appeal to me for the whole money appeal. Like I am crazy on money (i have ~375 mil bells lmao)

so ya I can see why people think it's for girls, but I believe the whole Investing and Gaining can also be seen as a male appeal.