How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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I'm non-binary.

Most of my friends list is male. It was female-dominated until recently when I deleted all of the people I hadn't played with in a long time.
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I'm guessing that most of the males on here are either adults or young adults because most boys these days wouldn't be caught dead playing a "sissy game".
Haven't the boys won the last two?

You're thinking of the Boys VS. Girls game

I'm a male, but none of the teenagers in my area play animal crossing. It's usually, HEY MAN, I JUST KILLED THIS GUY ON COD gaikhkh. And most people my age are immature jerks. On here most of my friends are girls, and in real life most of my friends are boys because I get nervous when even standing near a girl in real life.
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Don't feel dumb. That happens a lot. Even more on ACC.

Stupid ACC...*grumble grumble*

Male here. Doesn't really matter to me if I play with a chick or dude. I like to meet people so I tend to really only people from the NYC. ;)

I'm guessing that most of the males on here are either adults or young adults because most boys these days wouldn't be caught dead playing a "sissy game".

Well come on give us some credit. Animal Crossing has sold over 5 million in the west already not everyone who bought it is a woman. Then again I'm 21 so I guess I'm a young adult. I'm also someone who pimped out Recettear to anyone who would try it.
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Stupid ACC...*grumble grumble*

Male here. Doesn't really matter to me if I play with a chick or dude. I like to meet people so I tend to really only people from the NYC. ;)

Well come on give us some credit. Animal Crossing has sold over 5 million in the west already not everyone who bought it is a woman. Then again I'm 21 so I guess I'm a young adult. I'm also someone who pimped out Recettear to anyone who would try it.

That's another reason I join forums, I like meeting people. Ha!
I thought you were a guy too, probably because you are a Feraligatr.

Ha, same here. Then again I play a lot of MMO's and assume everyone is a guy.

That's another reason I join forums, I like meeting people. Ha!

Same here! I'm also on Neogaf and I like to participate in the New York meet up. It's fun meeting people from forums cause clearly we all share our love of Animal Crossing/Games/anime/etc.
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I'm a male. I play with both genders on ACNL generally equally, I suppose. Though, of the majority of the people that I actually talk to in game a lot, it's mostly males.
Stickied this because I thought it might be cool to use this as some sort of consensus of the male to female ratio.
I'm a 23 y/o guy and don't mind playing with either. I treat people well, no matter what race or gender.