How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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Yea I try to keep the count low mostly to people I know in real life 'cept a few online people.

Hey Second I have to ask do you like Space Odyssey? I would think so if you're a cinephile. Kubrick was a god.

2001: A Space Odyssey was pure genius. I know that if Stanley Kubrick's name is on any film's cover/poster, it's going to be a good one.
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2001: A Space Odyssey was pure genius. I know that if Stanley Kubrick's name is on any film's cover/poster, it's going to be a good one.

When I watched it as a child it forever changed how I can view films. It's my favorite movie to this day.
What if you're a boy and a girl?

Which option do we pick?
I just started playing online with a few players online, and I can say that I have nothing but nice things to say about them. I was playing with a male online and had a few questions about pathways. He was very nice and walked me around his town, explaining
a lot to me that I've never heard before. Although the ladies on my friends list are very nice, I'd have to say the males tend to be nicer. :)
I'm female but most people assume I'm a guy because of my username and because I have a male mayor. I don't really care though. The internet has been assuming I'm male due to gender ambiguous usernames since the mid-90s.

I really don't care if I play with guys or girls. I'm used to playing with guys more than girls *in general* for video games though, because that's simply who mostly plays video games.

I have not had different treatment from male or female users here on the boards. I've had both guys and girls be super generous and honest and friendly. I've had both guys and girls sometimes wander off and be slightly unpredictable. *shrug* Most people on these forums I've met are great regardless of gender.
I'm not surprised that there are more girls. I personally have played with a mix. I haven't really met anyone rude, though I do notice that boys tend to not like to chat as much. Which is fine because I don't particularly enjoy typing on the DS anyway. I'd play with anyone regardless of gender though, it's not as if I'm looking for a boyfriend lol.
I'm not surprised that there are more girls. I personally have played with a mix. I haven't really met anyone rude, though I do notice that boys tend to not like to chat as much. Which is fine because I don't particularly enjoy typing on the DS anyway. I'd play with anyone regardless of gender though, it's not as if I'm looking for a boyfriend lol.

I tend to add people to Skype cause I can't stand the in-game keyboard! But yea the last several people wouldn't mutter two sentences so I deleted them. Sorry but if you're gonna play a social game be social.
I'm not surprised that there are more girls. I personally have played with a mix. I haven't really met anyone rude, though I do notice that boys tend to not like to chat as much. Which is fine because I don't particularly enjoy typing on the DS anyway. I'd play with anyone regardless of gender though, it's not as if I'm looking for a boyfriend lol.

I'm one of the few boys I guess then that plays the game just to chat. Everyone is different, regardless of gender though. I just don't like trading, don't know what villager trading is, and don't like actually playing the game too much. I don't want to use Mumble or the IRC either; just my preference.
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Sorry but if you're gonna play a social game be social.

Right, except that if I'm just trading or buying items, which is what I usually do on this site, I don't feel like I need to engage in a lengthy conversation. That isn't to say that when I play with friends or hope-to-be friends that I don't talk, because I do. But I was simply saying that for the majority of the time I find typing on the DS hard so I'd prefer to limit it to "hi! Thank you!" And anything else that is needed.
I've noticed more girls play than boys but I do know boys that play
Yes I'm female
a cute girly girl with glasses that loves synthesizers old electronics , formula 1 and IRL cars... oh! and old biplanes from the first world war as they were cute stuffed animals <3

oh well...
I'm a male, but it doesn't really surprise me all that much that there's a larger female playerbase, since it's more on the casual spectrum of games (though, I was expecting something closer to a 50/50 split than 65/35).
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