I'm male, and am surprised at HOW surprised I am that there's such a great imbalance of male to female members. I knew it would probably be mostly females, but I guess I'm a little shocked there are over a thousand more females than males.
I actually thought the amount of males was higher than what I expected. Not sure why... I guess it's because most of my friends that play ACNL are female.
I'm female. I've got lots of male friends who play or have played AC (not just bought it and messed around for a few days, but invested hundreds of hours in the game). Also lots of female friend too of course. Trying to break down the numbers by gender is impossible for me as I used to help organise an anime, manga and pop culture event with over 10,000 attendees per day... the organising committee alone was huge, then all the volunteers and attendees I came to be friends with.. so many people! Also, I have many friends who are transgender, gender fluid, or simply don't identify as either. So there's no category for them, which is a shame.
My partner isn't interested at all, unfortunately, I'd love to share this with him. He plays mainly tower defence games alone, and Lego games including Dimensions, Pikmin, and similar games with me. And doesn't mind a bit when I drop everything to start selling millions of bells of turnips as soon as I discover the price is high!
Not at all surprised that there are more females than males here lol the only males i know that play animal crossing is my boyfriend (because i forced him mwahaha) and my brother because he likes the idea of his own house, although he gets mad that i'm the mayor and he's just a regular person lol
To be fair, Animal Crossing isn't exactly a game that would generate interest in an average male. I am not surprised at the fact that more females play the game.
But it's a comfy game, and I like being comfortable.