How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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me and my brother were surprised to find that very few guys played ACNL... masculinity is a curse i suppose. i guess since my parents bought us the original Animal Crossing when it came out we never thought twice about the "cuteness" factor even though that's part of the appeal i find in it today lol
I'm a boyoooo

But much like my ACNL mayor, I wear dresses, have girly hair colors and am a huge nerd~
I'm a girl~

I like finding cute QR code designs to wear but it stinks not being able to store more than 10 codes at a time :(

I have a friend who had his new leaf card stolen :( But he very much liked the game, never complained about it being too feminine or what not.
I'm a 16 year old guy - and probably the only teenager in a ten-mile radius of my home that really loves Animal Crossing. It's a shame, really...
People did always use to tease me about Animal Crossing being a "girly game"... Oops, guess it might have been true. Oh well, anyone can love it I say!
I haven't really met any nice guys in real life. I usually stick with females. If I met a nice guy who has some of the same interests as me, they would probably be my only male friend.
Feminism **** yeah


but seriously I'm a female

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Feminism **** yeah


but seriously I'm a female
Honestly I'm fine playing with anyone as long as they're cool to talk to. Most of my friends who play are girls though. (The one boy of my group doesn't play anymore)
Hi I'm new here and I'm female!

Honestly the fact that most acnl players are girls is hardly rsurprising but I have to say I'm glad there are so many guys nonetheless. They're outnumbered, but there's still plenty of 'em. Which is nice :)
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