How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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I voted, but I will not say what my real gender is. :D
I'm a girl and I don't care how many guys or chicks there are as long as people are nice c:
rl though I have more guy friends than I do chicks~
My best friend who got me into AC Is a boy, I know an equal amount of girls and boys that play.
I've noticed that it's definitely more female orientated in certain parts of these forums. In some places like the museum it's not so noticeable and more mixed/ the ACNL boards are more female dominated though. But I guess ACNL might not interest some guys who prefer shooters and things like that. On my friends list I only have 4 males and the rest are females but I met them through ACNL
i'm a male :)
i love interacting with all genders and don't mind the female domination of this forum xD
I'm a girl :) it's not surprising that the results are showing more female giving that the game attracks this gender due to the cuteness of the advertisement :-D Bit I'm glad that boys play this game too :)
I'm actually surprised that it's 3:7, I thought there was less males than that tbh
i'm a chick! tbqh im not surprised by the majority being females .......... lmao.
I am non-binary
player character is female because eyelashes are cute
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