How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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I'm male.. if I enjoy a game I'll play it. Don't care what anybody else has to say about that..
Male. just noticed theres a lot more girls than boys here.
Thats a good change from where I was.
Female. I'm not surprise that the community has a larger female fan base, just different since all my guy friends here play and are more familiar with Animal Crossing games than my girl friends. I think I know of one who openly said that she has played it and enjoyed it.
I'm female. Most of my friends who play ACNL are guys, so I'm happy to find a community with other women.
I'm a girl,
I prefer to play with females because boys make me more shy and awkward than I already am. ><;;; But I have played with boys before and have also enjoyed it. :)

Btw I didn't mention this yesterday, but what Matt said in the first post was really sweet! :)
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Wow, did not realize the gender skew here. Apparently I need to spend less time on reddit and more on animal crossing.
I'm a girl. It does seem as if there are more girls, especially since most of the people on my friends list are girls, but I've gone on Club Tortimer and definitely encountered more boys than girls there, I wonder why?
Yea so... I've added like 9 people all from an Animal Crossing forum/community and they all happened to be females, LOL. which is not a bad thing really. I'm quite surprised the amount of females doubles the male population actually. o_o
Saucy wenches! We need more twig n' two berries' in here! XD
Surprised that there are so many males playing ACNL :>
It is good to see people actually playing a game and don't care about how society judge :v
Awww, I haven't really played with a lot of males, but I would say, I love the females here. ^_^ Everyone's so sweet and lovely and makes me wanna help them more. :) As for boys, well, I agree with you... Most of the guys here are like, "Ok, see ya."

But I really am surprised that guys actually play ACNL. :) So cute and adorable and wow, so unexpected XD

Still looking forward to playing with you soon, Matt. <3
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Awww, I haven't really played with a lot of males, but I would say, I love the females here. ^_^ Everyone's so sweet and lovely and makes me wanna help them more. :) As for boys, well, I agree with you... Most of the guys here are like, "Ok, see ya."[/SIZE]

I kind if feel this way. Now, before I say anything I'm telling people now that I know there's males out there that are like this, BUT in my experiences in New Leaf I haven't met a male like this. Anyways, any trades I ever do the females are chatty and generally nice and leave me a Wi-fi rating, boys? Not so much. They usually just say one word and are done, and I've never got a wi-fi rating from a guy. So, yeah. o;

People better not twist my words into something else, because it seems like a lot of people like to do that~
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Now that this thread has extended for a while, the more expected outcome has shown itself ^^.

I'm going to generalize and say most current generation males are (generally) more into Halo, Call of Duty and action/battle games rather than the silent, roleplaying aspect of Animal Crossing. AC also has a reputation for being "childish" and "girly" so this doesn't help.

But a lot of boys picked up New Leaf so that might change.
Now that this thread has extended for a while, the more expected outcome has shown itself ^^.

I'm going to generalize and say most current generation males are (generally) more into Halo, Call of Duty and action/battle games rather than the silent, roleplaying aspect of Animal Crossing. AC also has a reputation for being "childish" and "girly" so this doesn't help.

But a lot of boys picked up New Leaf so that might change.

I'm a 16 year old male and I love to roleplay and hangout on AC:NL. In fact, Halo and COD annoy the crap out of me. There's not even much different in each game and I'm glad I've been going to a different school so I don't have to listen to them. If they call something someone does is girly or childish then they're calling hobbies in general girly and childish, because playing Animal Crossing is a hobby. Not going to go into detail, but you get the point.