How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

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It's interesting to see the shift because I've noticed the majority of male players are new (made their accounts in 2020). I feel like the female players tend to be more loyal to the forum over the years whereas male users just jump on the bandwagon and would leave once they become slightly disinterested in the game.

New Horizons definitely brought a fkcton of casual male players into the pool who wouldn't have picked up the game without the hype, whereas female players usually grew up with the game since childhood days

Just wanted to say that this isn’t true in all cases. I’m a male player and grew up with Animal Crossing since the GameCube as well. I also know there’s other male players out there who have been a fan of the series for a long time and haven’t quit yet. Some of them are even friends of mine. Don’t know if you just meant ”most” longtime fans are girls, but yeah.
I am technically gender-fluid, but I do publicly welcome being called she more than I do he,(they is preferred, but I digress) so I settled with a female vote just to see the numbers.

I will say from personal experience- I've actually seen and interacted with more males here than females, so I was kind of surprised that females had the majority vote... its definitely interesting to say the least ^ ^
Just wanted to say that this isn’t true in all cases. I’m a male player and grew up with Animal Crossing since the GameCube as well. I also know there’s other male players out there who have been a fan of the series for a long time and haven’t quit yet. Some of them are even friends of mine. Don’t know if you just meant ”most” longtime fans are girls, but yeah.

No need to defend yourself, it's literally why I said "most" in the first place.
Swan: We're nonbinary

Fun fact last time we tallied up our gender statistics in our system between male, female, masc aligned, fem aligned, neutral, and other there was actually an even split. We usually just consider our body to be nonbinary
I'm female! My friends who play are essentially a 50/50 split between males and females so I think there's a good balance! New Horizons is too good not to love, even guys get addicted to it. ♥
Female here. However, I also play NBA 2K20 a lot, and there's usually a 90%+ male percentage of sports game enthusiasts, so I'm not always typical. :)
I'm female for the purposes of this poll. I grew up playing (and fighting over who got to play) AC with my equally-obsessed brother, for what it's worth. :)

I've noticed similar demographic distributions with this game as others, including the phenomenon of all the new male players with ACNH. But it varies from community to community, I've seen other internet communities with way more male users (although I've mostly just lurked on TBT). I've always felt AC was pretty good at including and appealing to male and female players both, and I like how it's (gradually) shed the gendering of items, etc., especially because that's always worked out lopsidedly in other fashion games.
female here, and the people I know IRL are almost evenly split between male and female
i’m a dude! and i never really assume anyone of anything (i don’t ask.. and anyone can use any style villager lol) because everyone i’ve played with has been super nice no matter what!
I’m a girl and there are only girls on my friends list :0 I’ve had business with one (1!) male player in animal crossing and that’s it! I’m in an animal crossing group chat elsewhere and (surprise surprise) it also consists of girls only. It’s quite a bummer for me, I’d love to see more guys play animal crossing (however there is an abundance of male animal crossing youtubers! Much appreciated).

that one interaction with a male player I had was pleasant, but no time was wasted on polite chit chat haha :’) it just went “ok here’s your stuff bye” whereas with female players there are at least a bunch of reactions used and some chatting.