How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

  • Total voters
Wow! I'm a little surprised it goes that far! Proud to say that I'm a guy and I play crazy amounts of Animal Crossing! It's such a fun distraction from day to day life.
Through all my experiences with TheBellTree, I'm starting to notice the lack of male players. I seem to find a female player every time. I'm wondering if the Animal Crossing community consists mostly of girls. So I decided to make this poll to see how many of you are out there :3

I myself am a male, one of the only ones around o:

I think this is paradise for males, since there's so many females to play with. What's good about most females is that they tend to be kind and appreciative. Guys on the other hand are "Cool, thx bro." *No great feeling of appreciation there. I just had bad experiences with some, so I'm closer to the female side of the community.
What do you think about male or female users, which do you prefer to play with?

(Also vote if you're a male or female)

Mod Note May 2020: poll updated to add non-binary option and allow vote changes. See this post for more information.

This reminds me of a poll they did in Japan, to see the demographic that plays this game the most and the majority turned out to be young girls and adult women.

However, over the course of the years, I have found myself playing with many a gender/sexuality/age from all walks of life and I love how AC is one of the few games that can bring that many a variety of people together ♥️
I'm a girl. Like many people have stated in this thread, I was expecting there to be more females than males playing (regularly), but the poll was asking who on TBT is female, male, or NB. Getting the game is a start, but being so passionate about it that you'll join a forum online? That's where I'm a little less sure about the M to F ratio.
I don't have very many friends in my friend list in ACNH, but I have 4 guys and 2 girls. 3 of the boys I know irl, and both of the girls I know irl.
I'm a female and I've met more females than males who play ac although I did get my best friend into it and got him to join this forum despite the fact he's a boy hehe
Gal here.
I seem to notice mostly girls or just more feminine people on here and when I'm doing trades. Still, I expect a game like this to be mostly played by girls. Though, as time moves forward, I'm sure the amount discrepancy of boys vs girls enjoying games like this will shift to be more balanced.
I'm actually surprised how few enbies there are!
But nyello, yes, I am an enby checkin in.
I’m female. :) My rep is a boy right now though; I like to change my rep up depending on the design I want to wear.
okay so i know this is a 7 year old poll that only very recently got the third option, but being the less than 1% sure feels weird omg...
very much a female though a lot of people say i come off as masculine online : P
Female here and hardly know any guys who play other than the ones I introduced to AC compared to girls.

but i gotta say at least on new leaf (UK) when it hit like 11pm-2am the random guys on there seemed to have way more jokes than the girls and willing to mess around a lot more.

I also don't know if I somhow ended up in a weird group of AC players but the ones saw regularly on the open island too, majority of the girls would be on there starting drama and the guys would be so so so much more chill.

However it is very nice to have the very friendly wholesome side of the community that I doubt would be there if there wasn't so many feminine people here. And that's what I love about AC.

though this may just be my personal preference of people thinking about it.