How many male/female users are a part of this community?

Are you male or female?

  • Total voters
Hi all,

Now that we have upgraded to TBT 3.0 we have more flexibility with polls. I have updated the poll with a third option and turned on the ability to change your vote.

Thank you for your patience in the meantime. We know that a more inclusive gender poll and the ability to change your vote is something people have wanted for over a year now, but we knew even way back then that when we finally upgraded to TBT 3.0 that we would have a way of implementing this without losing the existing 3,800+ votes.
Thanks for updating the poll!

Yeah, I’m still male (cis-male, straight as well), so I’m not going to change my vote. Usually, I’m the kind of person that doesn’t change over the years, but still thanks for making it more inclusive.
lol no wonder it looks like i’m only the second nb person to vote (i chose nb and male)

also, fun fact. almost everyone i play AC with is a guy with a few exceptions.
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I'm not surprised in the slightest looking at these stats. It's not wonder it's such a laid back, pleasant, polite community!
Everyone here is great. You go you, people!
Female but I get along better with males cause I grew up with men and my older brother definitely has a big influence on me
I don't know? I try to make friends with females (for you know, the fabled 'girls night') and it never ends well so instead I have the boys which includes my bf and I feel bad for always tagging along but they get mad at me for feeling bad or if I don't, they're like my brothers at this point
The new option change is very helpful, haha. Now I'm able to fix a very old decision.
I'm curious to see how this will change now that there's a non-binary option! Of all of my friends and family that play animal crossing... 1 is a guy, 2 are girls, and 5 are nb! And I'm nb too, so that's a 2:1 ratio if you combine guys and girls! (I didn't catch at first that that option was added so recently, and was shocked that there were only 12 nb people on this whole site LOL)
I'm a female! gamer e-girl >:))))
I prefer to play with boys since when I play with girls, I get nervous lmao
guy here! i had 2 different players assume i was a girl today (before putting pronouns in my signature) and looking at the poll results here i can see why :0
I’ve met a mix of male and female “players” in animal crossings which doesn’t always mean they are that same gender in real life. But to me, everyone has been super nice! And it doesn’t matter what gender they are 😄