How many Nook Miles do you have?


Senior Member
Apr 16, 2020
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Clownfish Plush
Dino Plush
Pink Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment
Red Star Fragment
Celeste Chick Plush
Mom's Plush

Today I finally achieved one of my goals: 1,000,000 Nook Miles! Exactly, actually, which I didn’t expect to happen but I’ll take it! :)

How far along is everyone else in their Nook Miles? At this point for me it’s just about amassing wealth, as I’m well aware I don’t have much to spend them on. But I like having the daily tasks to do and now I gotta get to two million! :p
I only have 200,000 or so on my main island, I rarely pay attention to the achievements. It's something that I definitely need to work on in the future. Once I bought everything I wanted with them I just stopped looking, even to collect the nook miles plus points for doing something. I want to visit the nook stop and print at least one ticket a day and maybe work on some achievements over the summer. It's so daunting though!
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Today I finally achieved one of my goals: 1,000,000 Nook Miles! Exactly, actually, which I didn’t expect to happen but I’ll take it! :)

How far along is everyone else in their Nook Miles? At this point for me it’s just about amassing wealth, as I’m well aware I don’t have much to spend them on. But I like having the daily tasks to do and now I gotta get to two million! :p
I honestly couldn't imagine having a million miles. Lol. I am about to roll back over to 100,000 (I've hit that in the past, but then spent some on mystery islands)...which is generally what I do. I don't think my number has ever been much higher than 100,000 for that reason.
Want to say I'm right at around 175,000 Miles
I rarely bother with the achievements anymore, I'm sure I've missed out on Thousands of Miles.
I do still concentrate on obtaining Bells. Have about 31 Million in the bank, and no clue how I would ever spend it all.
Hoping one day that Nintendo gives the option to buy another Island, if they do I'm All In. LOL
I have just over 300,000. I don't generally go out of my way to get them anymore. But if its an easy task, I'll do it.

I wish there was a way to unlock Nook Mile Variants. People charge so much for the popular ones.

Edit: I also wish you could buy multiples at one time, IE buy 20 NMT.
I guess I expected it to hit 999,999 instead of 1,000,000, as if we were playing a Gameboy Advance instead of a Nintendo Switch! I have something like 22,000, because every time someone moves out I go island hopping for new random villagers! I wonder if I'll ever be so satisfied with the villagers I have that I'll just save them up!
I only have about 120k, I don't consciously try to earn them because I don't really use them. having one million of them should be an achievement lol.
I have around 700,000 on my resident rep and 200,000 on my second character. I think on my second island each of my 3 characters have between 100,000-200,000. I enjoy doing the nook miles plus tasks everyday, so I get a lot of miles.
Congrats! 🥳

I have only 59k atm. I haven’t been doing a lot of the tasks lately and I took a few months off the game. I also spent a little on some tickets and some items.
Wow, congrats! I've never gotten higher than about 250k before I blow most of it on villager hunting. I've done that a few times, but I have no idea how much I would have cumulatively.

I have about 700,000 across the 3 players I have. I'm trying to reach a million, but a recent island hop took about 30k away from me...
I should mention I also have 80+ NMTs in storage from when I'd buy one to fulfill the Spend 500 Nook Miles Get 200 Nook Miles Nook Mile task, so even if I wanted to go villager hunting in the future, I wouldn't hurt too much. For now I just try to go to a Mystery Island every couple days. Must be what it's like to be rich... is there a ACNH Centurion Card I can flex?
I have about 550,000. I just like doing the daily achievements and I am still working on the big achievements. I think have 30-40 nmts, not a lot but i buy one every time the spend nook miles achievement pops up figure its a good way to save them up rather than have to buy a ton at once when i go island hopping.
I have over 700k nook miles at the time of this post. It would be nice to have a use for that large amount, especially since I recently completed an achievement where you complete 3k nook miles+ achievements.
I have about 80,000 at the moment, but I had 250,000 until I recently, when bought a bunch of NMT and did a bunch of island hopping.