How many Nook Miles do you have?

I have about 320k. I stopped actively trying to get them somewhere around the 100k mark. I often don't turn in the daily rewards and don't have much else to buy. Hoping they add some new haircuts and colors sometime or something else to spend them on.
jeez, and i thought i had a lot with my 100k!

i don’t really try to get them, i just end up saving up
I have something like 480k and I stopped actively trying to accomplish tasks a long time ago lol.
I believe I have over 300K right now. I don't really have anything to spend them on anymore, so it'll be interesting to see how far I can increase that amount.
I have 480k. I'm trying to finish the Nook Miles for Miles achievement but it's really tedious. It sucks that we can only order 5 items Nook Miles Rewards items per day. Also wish we could order more than one ticket at a time................... :(
I started my current island in January and I have 52k or thereabouts. I had a lot more but I used them on villager hunting. On my first island I had around 500k.
570,000. More of I count my alt characters points. Two of them have over 100k. I've decided to finally let a villager move. It hasn't happened yet, but I'm looking forward to using my nook miles to island hop and get a new villager. I'm hoping for Blaire.
Oh wow! Congratulations on hitting 1M! I thought it would max out at 999,999. I currently have 850k... never really had much to spend them on as a I don’t do much island hopping to find new villagers.
Some of these numbers are blowing my mind, haha. I've been playing since launch with 750+ hours put into it but I only have about 14k at the moment. The most I've ever had at once was 68k.
Stopped doing the dailies as I have more than enough. Nothing to spend them on as my island has the worst colour variations and I don’t go island hopping much. I think I have around 277000 which is possibly not much but I have no use for them.
I think I have something like 500K, but I might have less by the time I finish island hopping using NMT to look for another villager when one of my current ones decides to move away
About 750k! I completed the goal for the nook mile tasks about half a year ago, and haven't really bothered with them since. Maybe I'll go for a million eventually, but right now they are just slowly creeping up.
Somewhere in the 170k, I’ve been lazy with the dailies and doing any Nook Miles challenges. It’s more than enough for me at the moment. Maybe I’ll go island hopping one of these days.
i have over +800 000 nook miles now and want to get to 1 000 000 nook miles too, hehehehe... C: (slow but one day i will get it)