Just me! Everyone in my family has their own switch, and I have no reason to make a second character ever. There's plenty for me to do on my own too. If I ever get bored or run out of things for me to do on this game, I'll just play another game for a bit - creating another character isn't really going to solve that issue. I'm also not into creating 'facilities' for my island with different characters, they all still look like houses to me.
No but mainly because I was waiting on the 2.0 update to revamp my island-- once I have the terraforming part done I will be adding two other accounts to mess around with adding some faux buildings-- def a library but as for the other I'm currently unsure!
I usually only ever have 1 character/house, but right now I've got 2 - 2nd characters purpose is purely storage/organization, although I might do something with it at a later date
just the one. i used to have two on my first NL town. the second character was literally only for storage, since it was originally so limited. when the WA update dropped and i bought the storage locker, she became pretty redundant. since NH has a lot of storage capacity -- and way more than i'll probably ever require at that -- i have no need for a second character. not that i really have room on my island for another house anyway.
I have 2 characters on my main island, and 3 characters on my 2nd island. I play them all as separate people on my island and decorate their houses according to the personality I give them.
I made the maximum amount of player characters possible, 8, because it was possible and because it added more to my island's theme of world history and cultures to have, well, more people from around the world. I kind of alternate who I focus on playing from day to day, and whoever I'm not focusing on at the time will usually just get the daily Nook Miles from the kiosk and maybe grab a few clothes from the Able Sisters if I want them to have something particular for their wardrobe. They all get their share of attention at some point and it's nice to have all that storage too.
As for what their houses function as? Well, homes. They all have their own different styles but they're all homes rather than something like a store or something.
I have 4 profiles (including my island rep). My second and third are there for storage and to give me more houses to design with different themes. And the fourth is a character for my boyfriend. He lives in a tent in the trash area of my island with ratty clothes and cockroaches in his house XD I just find it funny. I'm also planning to add more. But that's much later down the line.
I only have one player on my island, but that might change soon. With all of the new items I want to make a flower shop, an ice cream shop, an “outdoor” European bakery and bistro, etc. so many ideas that will take up space outside my main house and require me to add another user. Maybe I’ll make it a boy, idk.
I have 8 characters for my first and second island. My third island has 3 but I intend to make 5 more characters in the future lol. Every character's house has a different theme. I really like to play around with interior design.
I have two characters on my island. My main one and a secondary one.
I created the secondary one BEFORE the first update of increased storage and the 2.0 storage. At the time, I needed more storage and just to have another character to help buy art from Redd. My second character was also good for the money spot and the lost sea birds
But now that there is increased storage and I've gotten all the sea bird items along with being financially comfortable. She didn't really have a use... But I liked the way I decorated her house on the beach where she has nautical items
Until 2.0. came out and I used my second character to visit the Kappn' islands and dig up gyroids
I have 5 characters on my island, that each model someone from my family. When I first got the game, I shared my island with my 2 kids (boy those were good times), until each of them got their own Switches, & therefore, their own island. My son made 2 accounts near the beginning as well, so I turned that account into a character resembling my hubby. And then my 5th character was because I wanted to build a castle on my island, so I resembled the character as my daughter, and she owns the fanciest place. I mostly play on my main account, but have played on everyone else's as well. I loved it for the extra storage before, and now I like it for getting more recipes or Kappn Island tours if I wanted them.
I have 7 right now but 2 of them aren't me. I haven't really done anything special with them, but maybe if I actually earn bells to pay off my houses...
I have two, one for me and one for my brother. he doesn't play nearly as much though
I'm planning to get one more and keep the house a tent as like a 'unknown' villager in the dense forest. I'll get to making the account when I have the time,, which will be in forever (ʘᴗʘ✿)