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How many times have you flattened or redone your island?


Sep 14, 2012
Throwback Tickets
Turquoise Squid Easter Egg
Rotating Fool's Egg
Froggy Easter Egg
Fossil Easter Egg
Peach (Fruit)
Pumpkin Cupcake
Purple Bat Potion
Ghostly Preserves
Voodoo Doll
I'm wondering how many times you've redone your islands - either flattened completely and redid everything again, or just moved everything around.

I've redone my island twice - neither time has involved entirely flattening my island, though now I'm considering it. I think the terraforming on my island currently is far too bland. I want it to be more interesting when I redo it. Currently, I just have my island split almost evenly into the three tiers. I'm looking for a less uniform design, like the cottagecore islands I've seen. I've also never had a theme before, but now I'm considering it, just to give myself some inspiration. Having no theme has given me decision paralysis on what to do - I have too many choices and can't commit. I hope that if I redo my island this time, it'll be the last time, because flattening is such a pain.

If you have redone your island completely before, do you think this is the final iteration of your map? Or do you think you'll eventually redo it all over again?
I'm in the process of redoing my island, but this was my first time completely flattening it and redoing it, and I really like how it's turning out. I've always been way too afraid of flattening my island and redoing everything, especially since I'm not super great at designing things, but then I found one of the many island designing apps and websites and that made me feel a lot better about it. My map is far from complete, so I don't know about whether or not it'll be the final iteration, but I'm all for doing everything from scratch as even though I took inspiration from someone else's map, my island feels much more unique and more like my own! ☺
My first island, Liliana- I flattened and redid maybe 2-5 times. Flattening is always such a process, but I get bored of stuff so easily, so I always want to switch up my themes and stuff.

I recently reset so I now have my new island- Peachy. Which I can guarantee I will flatten at some point in the future. My current theme is fairycore, but after that I want to try forestcore.
ive completely reset once (had my og island then reset it because i wanted to do a different theme).... on my og island i cleaned up everything like, five times until i got it right. after that i just got too tired to wipe everything so i completely reset with a fresh new island LOL
Too many times!!! I end up with small areas i really like, but never am happy with the overall "feel". I have finally realized i like "cottage/foresty" type themes. And I've also realized I am really bad at creating the look I'm going for.
I've reset a lot of times and flattened once. Flattening was worse since it involved digging up 100s of flowers, my least favorite task in the game.
I have not done either. I haven’t finished my island at all to get to that point. I did redo my museum area (still WIP) and also removed some items I had down to make it look like a magic circle. Another area was originally going to be a fish market but over time I expanded and adjusted the idea to be something else and made small changes. I do plan on eventually maybe moving my resident’s houses and/or nooks & able’s maybe. not sure I like how my island plaza area looks right now.
I haven’t redone my island. When I unlocked the terraforming feature I adjusted my cliffs and rivers a little. I haven’t done any terraforming since. As for my outdoor decorations and my path, I have changed it up a little. My island hasn’t had any drastic changes since I decorated it originally.
I have redone my island once which included changing the theme and a bit of the design. But I’m thinking of changing the whole thing up starting with maybe moving all my islanders homes together as at the moment they are all over the island. If I do this I’ll give myself a lot more land to decorate. I also want to do a lot more terraforming as at the moment I have basically nothing just 3 levels.
I've never flattened, but I've completely overhauled (moving building, etc.) about 4 times, I think. I'm just about finished with my current island and am strongly resisting the urge to flatten. I just don't have time right now to do that.
I've flattened my island twice, at least the lower half of it. The layout of my island was built around the cliffs I initially had.

But I've redone my island 3-4 times in the past. Depending on what the future update might bring, I might have to do minor or major redecorating.
I so far haven't flattened my island. I've still been working on building what I had as my original idea for my island basically. I liked a lot of what my map started with so I never felt any need to flatten it. I might flatten it in the future though if I want to redo it.
I have often reworked various parts of my island, but I never have flattened it (i tried this on my second island and it made the whole thing very stressful and overwhelming, and made it harder to enjoy the game) and I have never completely changed how my island looked. More, my island has gradually changed over time and sometimes i am actively decorating or changing little or even bigger things like moving a house around, and sometimes I am happy with it as is and just enjoying it.
I've never flattened nor redone my island. I decided I wanted to try and work with the original design of the island as best as I could, and so far I've managed to stick with it and resisted any urge to switch it all around.
ive re-set my island once; but i wasnt finished with the first attempt when i did the re-set. now im trying very hard to not mess with the natural formations of the island although i am creating waterfalls here and there and ive had to cut a tiny bit off a cliff area to fit the villagers in neatly. i remodel All The Time *even though my island is only possibly 1/4 finished*. that being said, i can completely understand why folks do flatten their islands LOL!
I flattened my island once, in the very beginning. After that, never. It's way too tedious of a task. I just landscape as I go, area by area. It's more manageable this way.
I’ve never entirely flattened because I feel like I’d get too overwhelmed or even give up halfway through moving everything to the beach. I have entirely redone small chunks of my island though which I found much more bearable since you’re not going entirely from scratch, you still have other bits of the island to adapt around. I did reset my island though, which I sort of struggled with at first but I’m getting into a rhythm now of doing a little bit each day