How many times have you reset?

How many times have you reset?

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AroAce, ASD, and Proud ^^
Oct 31, 2015
Toy Duck Plush
User Title Color Change
Note: This question does not include each and every reset of an island you got, but were not happy with. I mostly mean how many times have you went out and reset for a another island, after actually sticking with one for a while (hopefully I explained that right). Feel free to sure stories of what made you reset if you have done so. ^^

I have reset twice.

My first reset was on November 15th 2020. This reset was because #1, I screwed up with terraforming on my first island. And #2, I had neglected my island for a while because I was dealing with bad joycon drift and that discouraged me from playing. I have a pro-controller and new joy-cons now, so drift should no longer be an issue.

My second reset from just the other day was because I got REALLY REALLY impatient, so I decided to TT to Summer to catch all of the rare and valuable critters that are not available in the other seasons. This caused my island to get neglected, and therefore, made me want to reset again.

I am gonna try to tell myself to not reset anymore. But at least I am learning from my mistakes. :ppp
I reset once honestly the only reason I reset was because I just didn’t like my island anymore and the villagers in it back then I didn’t know you could just move out a villager and stuff but I also just wanted a new island. {I kind of regret it but oh well what’s done is done}
I've reset once at the very beginning of the game. I didn't like my villagers and I time traveled so the counters weren't right and the game went too fast when the beginning is supposed to be slow.
So three days or so after I made my first island, I reset it. I put my Switch back on March 20th and created my current island, pretending I made it since day one haha
aside from resetting a couple of days in because I got my own switch, I haven't reset my game yet! although I came *very very* close on one occasion - I ttd to get some 'popular' villagers out, and started gathering up stuff to take it over to my sister's island. and then I think there was some technical difficulty and I couldn't drop stuff off and I came to my senses after that haha.
someday in the future I probably will reset though, just because I enjoy the fresh start of the game and building things up from the beginning :)
haven't reset but when i got sick of my island i got a second switch and started a second island.
i've reset like 7 or 8 times now
i'm definately keeping my current island though because i have too much stuff at this point
I've never reset while playing New Horizons, I'd looked online at a lot of island layouts when I was first starting the game so I had an idea on what kind of island I was looking for so I picked one I knew I'd be happy with. I have been tempted to restart once when I starting focusing on decorating my island to try out a different layout but I was quite far into the game and didn't want to lose everything and I don't think I'd have found an island that I preferred.
Still have my island started I started the night of March-19. The amount of progress I'd lose is too much to justify restarting. Plus my Island holds some sentiment since it is the original. I love going to spots on my island and looking back at how different it is compared to the way it was in March and April, and remember the feelings I had playing for the first time. There is literally certain pieces of furniture in my town that I haven't moved since March.

I think New Horizons could use a feature where Tom Nook can offer to buy our islands from us while letting us keep our stuff. Similar to the feature introduced in Welcome Amiibo for New Leaf
I reset 4 times total. Each time it was either because I realised after a while that I didn't like the map, or because I got very frustrated with terraforming and decorating. I'm not the best at decorating so I'm slow, but I'm also very impatient so I got frustrated very easily. It's crazy because looking back at my old islands now I realise they weren't that bad, I even miss some of my old villagers.

I promised myseld I wouldn't reset this one, not unless I completely "finish" it, because unless you really don't like your map resetting won't fix your issues with the game, I ended up just repeating the same mistakes on a new island 😅.
three times. first time was because the RS was ridiculously close to the Airport, but honestly looking back I remember I still managed to make something work, so in hindsight I probably wouldn't have reset just for that because I liked everything else.

second time I had completely screwed up my map, I saw someone had put all their island on the second level and at the time I really wanted to do it, until about halfway through when I'd got rid of my rivers and the island was an utter mess. I didn't know how to come back from it so I reset.

third time I just felt like resetting lol, I wasn't really attached to my island so I went for it. also, after the situation on my previous island I didn't want to do an extreme amount of terraforming/waterscaping, and for this island I'd picked a really windy river I found hard to work around.

now I have an island I'm happy with, I've told myself I won't reset again. I don't want a New Leaf 2.0 situation.
I've reset twice so far.

First time was a couple of weeks into the game, I can't remember why I reset so early into the game. I think it might have been the layout.

Second time was in October. I stopped playing the game for a while back in September and contemplated on whether or not I should start a new island until I woke up one morning and decided to go for it and start a brand new island (the island I currently have now). I thought I would regret it after having an island that I've worked on for so long, but I'm glad I did it.
None! I still have my same island, and I'm so proud I haven't reset. I reset new leaf so many times. It helps that you can move all the buildings around (except town hall - I'd move it if I could, but I don't mind where it is currently!)

I do wish I could have a second island. I definitely want to keep this one but I have so many ideas for a new one too. I won't buy a second switch though so one island it is for me!
None. For my first island I never reset even to look for a different map on the first day. I stuck with the first map I chose. On my second island I reset 73 times on the first day to look for the right map and airport color, but now that I’ve found it I’m never resetting because I don’t want to go through that process again.
I have never done it. I’m too scared to, lol. I’ve worked my butt off getting my bells, materials, villagers, furniture, etc. I also really love my island and I could never exactly recreate it. If i ever decide I want to make a new island, i’m just gonna save up for another switch lol.
I don’t really want to start from the beginning for another reason, I wont be able to help people here. I’ll no longer have the stuff to give to them. That’s probably one of the main reasons why. And I have a shop thread that would go to waste if I reset.
I've had the same town since I started the game on March 24th, since I very rarely reset towns and I'm usually pretty content with what I get (especially since the island can be customized so easily in NH) but I wouldn't mind having a second island that I keep in a natural state :)
I have the same island I started with. If I get tired of something I terraform or just redecorate. :)
When the game first came out, I played it for a whole day , and on the second day , I realized I didn’t like the map too much. I reset it then and I haven’t reset again. Sometimes I had the urge to reset again because of the map, but I’m ok with it now.

When I get the urge I start to tear down areas instead and redo.
When I first bought the game I reset a couple of times. I wanted to get apples as my town fruit and have a (mostly centred) town plaza. I think I had to reset three times? It didn’t take me too long!

Since then I haven’t reset. I’ve thought about it after visiting some people’s really amazing islands or when I learned our Nook Miles items were island locked but I can’t bring myself to for a few reasons.

A.) Lose all the clothing/furniture I’ve collected
B.) Reset all my Nook Miles achievements
C.) Lose all the bugs & fish I’ve caught
D.) Lose all my DIYs I’ve collected
E.) I really, really don’t want to play through the first like... week of the game. So boring. 😔

I like how with New Horizons aside from the Nook Miles colour blocked items I don’t really need to reset to change my island. It would be really, really painful but it would be doable to completely redesign it (well, save for certain placements that are set in stone like the secret beach, river exits, etc) in a way that I feel like is more fitting.
Once. I knew after probably the first or second month I started playing that I will eventually reset. Animal Crossing was a new franchise for me to begin with. I stuck to my original island which I started a week after release until the first week of January. I got to the point where I didn't turn my game on at all for a while so I thought it is time.
I restarted and I am soooo much happier with my island and my map. Also I have a better handle on the game and what I actually want to do with my island so that really helps. And with knowing what I know now, I was able to pick a map that vibes with me more. Since others have created catalog islands and are overflowing with excess diy cards, it was super easy to get past where I was on my original island within 2 weeks of my restart. I also time traveled so I didn't miss out on the holidays I skipped with my previous island.
I don't think I will ever reset again.. even with the help from the forums, there is still alot to recollect and rebuild up. If I ever get bored with my game, I may just look to see if I can find a copy of new leaf somewhere and see what all the hoopla is about that game lol.

I do find it odd that Nintendo still has new things coming out that has a connection to the color of your airport and I really hope that people don't decide to reset later because something significant comes out later. I still think it was pretty rotten to do that with street lights because that is something you will use multiple of. At the time, if I didn't have ones I was ok with I would have restarted in an instant over that.