How many times have you reset?

How many times have you reset?

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I never reset my island and I never reset my town in NL either. I did end up buying another 3ds game cart to just make a second 'mess-around town', but I never actually did anything to that town. It kind of just collected dust lol.

I don't think I would bother to redo my town or island with the same level of focus if I were to reset or lose it.
Outside of the early days where I was resetting for stuff like the airport color and map layout, I haven't reset and have no intention of ever doing so. I've accomplished so much in New Horizons in terms of paying off houses and filling up the catalog (it's not complete, but always working toward it) that if anything happened to the save, I'd just stop playing outright and not bother to start over, probably selling the game instead.

I've never been one to reset any of my Animal Crossing games, only doing so once with my original GameCube town (which I regret, since one of the villagers was Hopper, who I like a lot, and because the name I gave the town is kind of dumb now) and once in New Leaf because I didn't like the town name. Whenever the mood struck me for "something new" in regards to Animal Crossing, which only became a thing for me with New Leaf, I would just buy another copy of New Leaf and start up a new town to have different themes and residents. Considering that Nintendo Switch games are a bit more expensive than 3DS games, and because having a second island would require purchasing not only the game again but a whole second Switch, I have no intention of doing the same thing with this game. I've got other games I need to finish anyway, and while there are residents I'd like to have that didn't fit the 10 resident limit, I'm content to wait to experience them in whatever next game in the series comes out in the future.
I am on my original island, but believe me when I say that I've been contemplating a reset. The only thing holding me back is my 98% complete museum.
I haven't reset at all. I've put in too much time and effort into my island to ever reset, since losing my island and having to start over would basically kill all my motivation to ever play New Horizons again.
I've reset once officially, although 1) I did reset one other time after only a few days of gameplay, and 2) I do have a second island on my boyfriend's Switch, so not sure if either of those count? But in terms of resetting over an island I spent a decent chunk of time on, I'll go with one.

The biggest factor was just feeling super disconnected from all of my villagers, feeling like I'd ruined their wardrobes and houses, and being absolutely infuriated by the location of Resident Services. It was one block off from my airport, so I felt like I couldn't do a nice diagonal entrance or a direct entrance. So when I did reset, I hunted down a map with a properly aligned plaza for both Muir Wood, my primary island, and Inverness, my secondary; it's made designing the entrance so much easier and I've definitely gotten more attached to my villagers this time, too.
I reset once like a month or two after having my original island. I did this because I got way over my head with terraforming and I just didn't know how to fix it.
I haven't reset. But I did reset several times on day one just to get my desired starting villagers. I wanted Sterling, but when I got Rod & Frita, I've decided to go with it. I still got Sterling a week later so it's still a win for me.
It's way too time consuming and early to reset. About 500 hours in, I feel like I've accomplished so much and I have zero desire to do it again, even though it was so much fun progressing up to this point.

I feel like, as long as you put in the work to get the things you can't change later (Dodo Airport color, native fruit, river mouth layout, etc.), there's zero reason to reset unless you want to experience things again many years from now. Otherwise, this game offers the absolute most control out of any Animal Crossing game to modify your island to your liking.
I've reset 0 times for my main island (if I ever did reset my main island I'd probably cry, the amount of time and effort, and resources I've put into it, and getting most things catalogued and all the DIYs is mental). My second island though I've reset once, and I'm not carrying on with terraforming it till the snow has gone, cause the snow is burning me out and making me want to reset again :L
I've never reset any Animal Crossing game and same goes for New Horizons. Closest I've come was erasing a third ACNL town that I didn't really use so I could sell the gamecart.
Zero for me. I like the idea of working with what I have (limitations are fun!), plus I got an orange airport and that's my favorite color! :) No way am I resetting my work of art. :'0
I'm of the opposite mind of a lot of people's viewpoints towards resetting. I actually like experiencing and playing the game, even from the beginning! I had reset 3 times in the past year and never felt it was much of a punishment. I liked the thrill of finding a new map, meeting new villagers, getting to experience everything for the first time again and actually having things to work towards!

The first time I reset was because I did not like where my resident services was located, and also I had time traveled to get houses moved and felt guilty for that.

Second time I reset simply because I wanted a fresh start and a new map

Third time I reset because I wanted to get a better native fruit and I had also started completing my museum and terraforming and felt I was running out of things to do
I have never reset. There was a time where I was really tempted to, just to have a fresh start. But instead of doing that, I focused on decorating my actual island, and that's really the main thing that I do. I'm actually done as far as setting up areas on my island. My highest level cliffs are completely wild, which is how I want them to be, and the mid level cliffs are made up of 1: My house and yard, complete with a pond. 2: A little picnic area with a rock theme. 3: A small diner, with the area behind it left to be a woodsy area.

So I'm mostly just swapping things out as I see fit, maybe adding a touch of something here or there, and then updating the look of my island to keep it "relevant," aka "in season." And I love doing that. It really is fun for me, along with randomly deciding to go fishing for a bit, or hunt for specific bugs for the fun of it, and talking to my villagers.

Really all I ever want is more stuff in the game itself, like more furniture sets (including more DIY stuff because I love doing DIY for my island), more mini-games with your villagers, house visits, time capsules, and Brewster's would be nice to have, as something else to do during the day. They don't even have to give him his own building - put him in the museum as part of the art gallery or something.

I love my island, and I love this game.
Not once, not even at the start of the game when I was planning to. I just got really lucky with landing cherries and the placement of my river mouths, residential services, dock and peninsula. The only thing I'm somewhat iffy with is the placement of the secret beach, but I can manage with it's position on the top middle of the map.
I'm of the opposite mind of a lot of people's viewpoints towards resetting. I actually like experiencing and playing the game, even from the beginning! I had reset 3 times in the past year and never felt it was much of a punishment. I liked the thrill of finding a new map, meeting new villagers, getting to experience everything for the first time again and actually having things to work towards!

The first time I reset was because I did not like where my resident services was located, and also I had time traveled to get houses moved and felt guilty for that.

Second time I reset simply because I wanted a fresh start and a new map

Third time I reset because I wanted to get a better native fruit and I had also started completing my museum and terraforming and felt I was running out of things to do
I am the same way. Out of the 100 times I reset my NL town and two times I reset my NH island, I have not once felt regret. I am trying to tell myself to stick to the island I have, though, otherwise, I will never get to certain milestones.