How many times have you reset?

How many times have you reset?

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I've gone through 3 resets since I got the game the other day (aside from soft resets).

The first time I reset was because I didn't realize my 'islander' name was for me and not my first villager (new to AC). So, instead of Willow, I used my name here. It isn't a bad name, it just doesn't fit with my ideas.

The second time I reset was because the island name I chose was limiting (Namewood basically). I may, in the future, want to turn my island into a town or city, so I scrapped 3 days of work and rerolled this morning.

The third time (first thing this morning) I reset because there was a rock where I want to build and from what I've read, moving rocks is a bit complicated. I didn't want to lose the resource, but I also wanted to put my tent near a waterfall so...

Here I am, brainstorming the perfect combo of things before I roll for my very last time.
My newest island is my 7th. I kind of like resetting and kind of don't. My goal for this year in the game is to get more comfortable with terraforming and I think I've done a little better terraforming the current one. If I can become a good terraformer, I might not reset as frequently in the future.
This is my third island. To be fair, I lost count of how many times I resetted in New Leaf so three is pretty good, I think.
I reset once, because I didn't like my island name. I originally picked Hoshi, but decided I liked the name Comet Isle much more. I'm keeping this one forever.
I reset once, in early November of 2020. My previous island was started in March of 2020 and was subjected to a halfhearted attempt to completely flatten everything and I never got around to really finishing that endeavor. I didn't play for months, because I didn't have the motivation to fix it. I think I was having trouble with inspiration too since I flattened half of the island and most of the natural shapes of the island had been destroyed or interrupted.

I wanted a fresh start so I reset, and I do not regret it one bit. I'm super happy with what I've been able to do within the last few months, more than I was ever able to accomplish on my other island. Having that initial base map to help guide terraforming ideas was crucial to keeping me motivated, inspired and interested in working on my island.
Ended up doing a 4th reset tonight (after my 3rd this morning) because I was back on Feb. 3 and didn't want to time travel/have my miles achievements on the wrong day. I know, weird reason, but it was really bothering me and I said at the very beginning I wouldn't TT, but then I got anxious, wanted to rush and... yeah.

Lesson learned.

So, I rerolled until I got an island layout I liked and just logged off with about 25k bells after the first 'real' day. I'll get my house tomorrow and Blathers will move in.

Other than that, I'll just take it one day at a time.

Sadly, the name I wanted couldn't fit... so that kind of sucked. I found an okay alternative, though, so it wasn't all bad.

Hope those who are resetting or are thinking of resetting find a nice place to settle and enjoy their time on their island.

Now, all I need to do is last on one island for more than 3 days.