How much Confetti?

Due to real life commitments, I will probably only be able to get 1-2 balloons. Fingers crossed they are good ones!
I've bought two regular balloons, and two bunny balloons so far! Hoping to earn enough confetti for one more balloon 😊
I've got 5 of Pietro's Mystery Gradient balloons so far. Very happy with that, but if I could get enough confetti for one more it would be the icing on Pietro's balloon! 🎈🎉
I have got 4 heart balloons, bought another yesterday which I am excited for the reveal. Just checked and I need 5 more confetti for my final one. It will be another gradient heart as I absolutely adore the heart balloons 💜
I'm 80 away from my final 6th balloon which is pretty good considering I never made any threads to go towards my confetti. Mainly cause I couldn't think of anything
I got two balloons so far and I’m at 385 confetti as of writing this post. :> Very close to the max!
I'm finished, I bought 6 Mystery Gradient Balloon Tokens.
I didn't buy any Mystery Gradient Bunny Balloon Tokens because I'm not a huge fan of the bunny balloon.
I've managed 4 gradient heart balloons so far, and have an extra 50 confetti at the moment, I'm hoping to get 1 more by the end of this round!
I bought 3 balloons and I'm at 152 confetti right now. I think I can reach the cap if I just keep pushing and don't slack like how I kind of did for previous rounds. 😅