Including a 1-year NSO subscription I got after I got the game (which my primary reason for getting was so I could play NH online, lol), I paid around $110 for the game. Last I checked, I've played the game for 1475+ hours, so that works out to 8 cents/hour (rounding up). Definitely not bad at all, that's pretty solid value.
I bought the switch specifically to play ACNH, so plus the cost of the game and online membership would total about $350 CAD. I’ve put in 450 hours so far, so about 75 cents per hour. I do plan to continue playing for a long time though, so that number will go down over the years.
Bought the game for the ususal $80 CAD plus an online subscription (but that’s also for pokemon shield). Have about 65 hours in it so far, so 80 divided by 65 = 1.35 $ ish. Still playing though so we’ll see.
Paid $60 USD, with 800 play hours and counting. Spent approximately $0.075 cents/hr and will be a lot cheaper as I don't plan on stopping any time soon.
i don't remember exactly how much i bought it for but i think i've paid 6.5p per hour? which i'm more than happy with! i did technically also pay for a switch around the same time, but since i've used that across multiple games i won't include that in the cost.
i have also had nso on and off with the sole purpose of playing ac but i can't remember exactly how much i've paid for that over the course of having ac so i won't include that, either way considering i am continuing to play ac i've definitely got my money's worth of playtime
Even factoring in that I bought a Switch solely to play the game, so far I’ve ended up spending all of 16 cents an hour for something that’s given me far, far more joy and peace of mind and comfort than can be captured in a dollars and cents math equation like this
I've played 150 hours and spent $80 on the game. However, I have had a very busy and hectic 2020/21 so I am sure that I will get my money back from it as soon as I get some time again. Don't regret the purchase.
I bought the Switch specifically for Animal Crossing. It's my only game. That's $300 right there. The game is $60, plus another $60 for two years (so far ) of Nintendo Online. That's $420. My Switch is out of battery right now, but I know I've played at least 500 hours of Animal Crossing. 84 cents an hour (at most) is not a bad deal at all I'd say. Totally worth it.
I bought a Switch just to play New Horizons. The Switch and the game came out to be about $320 plus two 1-month NSO subscriptions at $8. I'm at 295 hours play time so that comes out to be ~$1.11 per hour. Got the game in December and I did take a 1 month break but I've gotten back into playing daily, so no regrets so far.
I just got my game on March 13th of 2021, when I bought my switch. I bought the game for $49.94, with tax that's $54.06, and shipping was free. I have 310 hours of play, so $54.06 / 310 hrs = $0.17/hr at the moment! (This is in USD)
I paid $60 (and some tax maybe) and currently at 715 hours or more. So if my math is correct, then it would be about .08 cents an hour. Seems worth it to me
I paid $60 on launch and spent ~240 hours playing. That’s roughly $0.25 per hour. Compared to most games with that price tag, New Horizons certainly offered a lot!