I’ll have to see how the situation with getting Christmas themed furniture goes since I won’t TT or hack and I won’t buy it because it’s gonna be crazy expensive.
If it’s anything like Turkey Day I’m not gonna decorate because I couldn’t get any turkey day items until the day of.
On my southern hemisphere island, probably not a lot since it's going to be spring/summer. But on my northern hemisphere island, I'm hoping to make it look nice. Normally it's got a lot of white flowers and a pastel theme, but I'm going to try to make it red/green/white for Christmas by switching out some of the white flowers for red ones.
I went all-out for Halloween and am still having a hard time taking down my pumpkins because I love them so much~ I'll probably at least add some decorations to my houses to make them festive. I'm just battling with whether to replace my Halloween-colored flowers with Christmas ones. Sometimes I'm tempted to take down my pumpkin stuff and just recolor it to white and green lol.
I think I'll do a lot once the grass turns snowy! I love all the lit-up items. Once I get them I'll decorate with them I still have a lot of Halloween stuff out though so it's probably time to get rid of those, but since I got so little mush/fall items I have barely anything to replace them with and the island looks so empty. I'm hoping I'll get the christmas stuff soon so I can just swap out the Halloween stuff for that.
Don't have any exterior plans as my island has nothing on it right now, but I may spruce up my interior a bit. I love the new wallpaper/flooring and wanted to make a Christmas cabin or chalet the second I saw them.
I'm not too sure I'll decorate my house since it's been serving as storage area more than anything. As such, I'm planning on putting outdoor decorations to compensate (e.g., around my shops, entrance, and villagers' house)! I also prefer outdoor decorations, as I spend more time outside of my house anyway!
I'd love to make my island look really festive and perhaps cozy, but I'm scared about having to clean up afterwards... I guess I'll just go with the flow! There is one thing for sure though: I'd like to put a bit more effort in decorating around my town plaza area.
I hope to decorate both indoors and out if I have the time and ability to do so, though admittedly I wish we could hang more lights outside (like the starry garland for instance).
I will decorate the first room in my house or as I call it; my “living room”. But if I can manage to scrounge up all the items I want to decorate my entire island for Christmas!!
I got started on it yesterday with the Turkey Day stuff. Here's what I got so far (and I love that Zell cooperated for a photo!). I'll be filling in the other half of the "room" as the festive and Toy Day stuff becomes available. I don't think the organ will make the final cut, but I've wanted to find something to do with it ever since June, lol.
Thanks for the reminder. Tonight I plan on island hopping for cedar trees for both islands. Lights on the cedars are my favorite part.
For the beach houses I like the acorn lamp/ tiny acorn tree in white. Plan on adding the new stockings to those houses and small DIY items if they can be customized.
Both island fountains will be replaced with the tree that you posted. Plan on decorating the villagers yards with small trees.
One streamer had a cute Christmas tree farm.
In every game I always display a Christmas tree in my main room. Will continue this tradition, that or stick it outside now that we can. Probably place a set of stocking above the fireplace, but not much else besides that for indoors. Possibly a crafted snowman here or there in my villager's yards.
I try not to decorate too much for the holidays. Just like in real life, I hate the clean up afterwards.