How often do you lose your ds stylus?

A bit too much. No matter if I get a brand new 3DS, I still lose it.

Thing is, starting late 2019, i'll no longer use the 3DS anymore.
With my OG DS I used to lose it alllll the time. I don't think it even has a stylus anymore.

I haven't lost a 3DS stylus yet! I tend to put it back in the holder after I'm done using it, even if I'm still playing the game at the time.
I used to lose it shortly after getting a new system. Now, I've had mine for more than 2 years.
I will misplace a stylus for a small amount of time, like for a few minutes if I put it down. But I always end up finding it just as quickly. Now, however, I use a AC stylus that doesn't even fit int the 3DS so I never lose that one lol.
When I was little i'd lose my ds stylus aaaall the time. I also used to play sitting in front of the heater and i'd drop the stylus in between the grates! Now that I'm older and a little more responsible I've only lost it once, but I got smart and bought a pack of styluses :^P
I only play Pokemon and animal crossing, and I don't think I have ever used my stylus when playing animal crossing. But for Pokemon, I would often bring my stylus out for the "mini games" (the Pokemon sport tournament thing in heartgold where you help your Pokemon race or jump over hurdles, and then the berry picking and other games you can play when you pet or feed your Pokemon in X/Y for example). I don't think I could play those mini games without my stylus! And so I think I've lost my stylus only once or twice.
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I have 15 styluses scattered about my bedroom but I still can't ever find one when I need one!
Over time my stylus seemed to get looser inside the holder I guess? I never seemed to intend to lose them they always just seemed to pop out themselves over a certain period of time
All my styluses are trapped behind my captains bed (which I can't move, too heavy) so they're technically not lost.....
I haven't lost any of my 3DSXL styluses yet. I have bought a pack of new styluses, because I have a strong feeling that a family member may need to 'borrow' one of mine permanently.
i always make sure to put my stylus back into the 3ds when i'm done playing, so i rarely ever lose mine
Actually only misplaced it once. Found it after a few minutes. Now I always replace it when I finish using it.
how do i say this.. I bite my Ds stylus sometimes. it was broken after biting it so I had to buy new ones
also the 3ds XL stylus, it keeps falling out! It also camoflages on my black table, so i cant really see it ugh
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I don't lose my 3DS stylus that often as I used to. Thank goodness. But... Usually when I lose my 3DS stylus I find it a few minutes later. I panic a lot when I lose my stylus since that is the one I mainly use whenever I play on my New Nintendo 3DS XL. Only got some new stylus after getting the New Nintendo 3DS XL because the one for it feels too thick for me whenever I hold it in my hand to use.
I lose them all the time :( I had to buy myself a pack of special bright styluses with characters on them just so that they?re easily noticeable and I don?t lose them as much!
I lose them for a few minutes every once in a while, since the stylus holder is pretty worn out, but I haven't permanently lost one in a few years - probably since I got my original 3DS.
I used to loose it a lot but since I got my new New 3DS XLTM, I always put it back in it's holder immediatly so as not to loose it. But before that I didn't have any and just used a pen hhhh. I had my 3DS one but it was broke at a point where it was just not possible to use it.
I lose them for a few minutes every once in a while, since the stylus holder is pretty worn out, but I haven't permanently lost one in a few years - probably since I got my original 3DS.

same here, i freak out for a few seconds, then i find it. I'm annoyed at how fast the stylus holder stopped working, and i don't like how they don't include a spare stylus when you buy a console anymore. But i haven't lost the original stylus of my 2DS in these 3-4 years that i own it, so that's good ^^