How Often Do You Send Letters?

I always forget. In ACNL you had to send a lot for that gold badge (never got it) so I'd do it more. I like being able to send items/letters to my irl friends though! I was really hoping they'd bring it back from ACCF.
I've never written any letters to my villagers, lol. I've rarely done it in the past games, though, so that's not really anything new for me. As for sending letters to friends, I do it every so often, though it hasn't happened too much as of late. I did it a lot more earlier in the game and put more effort into what I sent them, but lately the only letters I send are just ones sending art to a friend of mine.
I used to send a lot of letters in ACNL, but I've probably only sent about 3 in ACNH. I miss visiting Pelly and Phyllis and checking out the seasonal stationary.
I loved sending letters. I don’t play anymore, but writing letters was a fun aspect of this game. I like to think villagers understand key words in the letters you write them. I liked receiving letters from my villagers as well.
i don’t remember how often i sent them in new leaf or wild world, but i’ve only sent 142 letters in this game since it came out, and scarcely do so nowadays unless it’s to a friend or my future self, but even those letters are infrequent. i’ll probably spam write a bunch of letters one day just to complete the nm achievement for it, but since writing letters to your villagers doesn’t give you any friendship points with them like it did in the past, i don’t really see a point in doing it lol.
Never. I think I’ve sent maybe three since the game came out.

I hate how laborious it is now. I can’t be bothered to speak to the dojo five times just to send five letters. Just let me bulk buy paper again like in the past games!
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The last time I've sent a letter was last year. I think I've only sent around 10 and never touched it ever again.
I really loved writing letters in NL because there was a chance that they would show you what you wrote them, and it could be really funny.

But NH doesn't have that, so I haven't even gotten the final Nook Mile achievement for it.

Funny side-note, I wrote myself a letter a year ago asking if the pandemic has ended yet... hah
I used to frequently send letters in WW and when I first played NL but I hardly ever send letters now.

I’m aiming to complete all the Nook Miles achievements in NH but so far I’m only up to 24 on the Popular Pen Pal milestone so still have quite a far way to go! Most of the time I just forget that I’m able to send letters and visit the airport only to open the gate or fly.
Unfortunately I never send letter in this game. The dialogue with Orville is tedious when we want to send multiple letters in one go.

It's sad because I liked to do it in past games
Never. I only did for the Nook Miles Achievement. Now I only use letters to send myself items. It's too much trouble to send mail, unfortunately.
I try… for the Nook achievement. If typing were better, maybe I would do it more.

I did notice the other day that there are two new Halloween-themed stationery types— a haunted house one and a pumpkin. I don’t recall them from last year—are they new?
not very often anymore, but I just checked and I’ve only sent 102 letters so far. I guess that means I’ll have to pick that back up to finish off the last popular pen pal nook mile achievement of 200 letters. I hate it because I never know what to write. I do miss the post office though, even if Phyllis was a big b. but if I had to work the night shift I’d probably be one too.
I wrote so many letters in the beginning of the game! I had a "cataloguing pen pal" discord! I loved it. We had wish lists and everyone was from a different part of the world and we included words or phrases in another language! I'll always cherish my letters from that time!

Nowadays.. nobody plays.. lol

No letters have been sent.. :(
I never send them anymore since there doesn't seem to be any reward for sending them. They don't even seem to increase villager friendship.
I am trying to complete my 200 letters sent. In the beginning of ACNH sending letters were a fun idea, as the months went on and the letters i received were being repeated over and over i stopped as i not got amy joy or use out of sending letters which is a shame as i really love the designed papers they release for certian times of the year (halloween,easter,xmas etc)

I would love them to bring the ability to maybe set up a pen pal servoce for two players who are just as axtive as each other i know i would really enjoy this and find it a good way to use the postal service again.
I would send letters a lot more if the post office existed. Part of the charm of sending letters was going into the post office and interacting with Pelly (or Phyllis, who was actually my absolute favorite, so I often timed it so that I could catch her) to send them out. There was just something very immersive and adorable about the process. Now that it's just some impersonal 'postcard stand' with instantaneous gratification (aka, barely any sort of immersive process) I have sort of neglected the feature all together. It makes me sad everytime I go in to send one. Unfortunately I don't think this will ever return to how it used to be. I'd love to be proven wrong though.
I used to send letters when my IRL friends where playing the game we send items or funny things to each other but now none of them are playing at the moment. So looks like I will have to tell them about the up coming updates to get them back into it haha.
To villagers? Almost never. It's sad that they no longer keep letters and show them off like they used to in New Leaf. That was a nice touch and made the letters meaningful. When my cousin used to play I'd send letters almost daily with things to catalogue or materials.

I get a little annoyed with the amount of mail sent by villagers to my mailbox - it's just the same items and color variations that we find in our local Nooks. Wish it was like balloons.
To villagers? Almost never. It's sad that they no longer keep letters and show them off like they used to in New Leaf. That was a nice touch and made the letters meaningful. When my cousin used to play I'd send letters almost daily with things to catalogue or materials.

I get a little annoyed with the amount of mail sent by villagers to my mailbox - it's just the same items and color variations that we find in our local Nooks. Wish it was like balloons.
This one of the reasons why I move out villagers after when I get their photo, because if I kept them longer my mailbox would just be flooded with gifts from them with the same repetitive clothing and furniture that I already got.