How Often Do You Send Letters?

I wrote a lot of letters in New Leaf, but not so much in New Horizons. Typing out the message takes forever compared to NL, and unless I'm just desperate to give a villager something, I don't see much benefit to it since it doesn't increase friendship and they don't show your letters around. Most of the letters I write go to family members that play, and even then it's typically just something short/silly so I can send an item to them.
On once in a while to my friends with gifts. I dont think. Iv sent any to my villagers.
I don’t like writing letters in real life, so I was happy that the letters don’t matter in the game. And you can satisfy the nook miles achievement just by sending things to friends. But yeah, I like interacting with my villagers in person and find it much more fun than sending them letters. And i would hate having someone show me a letter I wrote them, (in real life or in the game) so thank goodness that feature is gone!
I NEVER send letters lol

But I make up for it by constantly buying my villagers clothes, and anything they stare at in the Nook shop
Hardly ever. I've probably sent only 3 during my time with NH. Though, in order to get the Nook Miles, I'll have to start sending some more.
I admit I don't send as many as I would like... So no. I think I sent more in NL.
i only occasionally write letters to in game villagers for a small bit of extra immersion. I get that its almost entirely pointless in this game, but it's a fun little activity.

however, if we're including irl friends, then i love writing letters! i can't remember if we had that feature in older games, but i don't think we did, so it's a nice treat! sending and receiving letters from friends is always fun :] it doesn't happen much in general, but i send and get them all the time for special events. christmas wishes, valentines day cards, birthday celebrations, all with little gifts inside- they make me so happy!!
When the game first came out, I used to send letters to my villagers almost every evenening. Also every new arrival would get a little welcome present via mail and I was always very excited for their replies. When I found out that the letters don't do anything, I quit. It is kind of sad, such a wasted feature. I didn't play NL so I didn't know that villagers used to show their letters around, but when I found out, that was even more of a downer - why get rid of such a great little detail? I feel like sending a letter should at least increase friendship level, but since it doesn't even do that, I don't know what the feature is there for. Regardless, seeing this thread reminded me of the option and since I restarted my island, I'm thinking whether I should give sending letters a shot again, just for the fun of it.
I sometimes send to players some letters , normally its something silly but cheerful i very rarely get a reply hihihi 😅
It's just such a chore with no reward that I don't do it. I know I should for the Miles achievement, but ugh. Typing is a pain, the limited stationary selection is uninspiring, and it doesn't even do anything for friendship.
I'd sent letters quite a bit in past games, but it's very seldom that I do so these days. I'm more likely to send letters while in handheld mode otherwise, I'd have to plug in my keyboard. Using the joystick is such a pain. I was happy to be rid of that since Gamecube.

Do animals care about letters? I get letters even if I don't send any to them, and they don't respond to my letters anyway.

I don’t send mail.

It was more appealing in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, with Pelly and Phyllis, and with deliveries by Pete.
I do occasional mass mailings, or when I get a new villager whose clothing is so horrible I can’t wait a few days to change it. Hopefully mail is one of the things updated in version 2.0.
During my first play through at the time of release, I was excited so I sent a lot thinking it works the same like in NL but after realizing it doesn’t I didn’t send that much anymore. In my succeeding islands, I barely sent any at all. 😅 Unless I need the miles from it.
Right now I’m just trying to send enough letters to get all my nook miles rewards.
I think I’ve sent fewer than ten letters in ACNH (vs ACNL, where I sent several every day). I don’t like typing them on the Switch keyboard, and since they don’t seem to affect villager relationships, I haven’t bothered. I should at least finish the Nook Miles achievement at some point though.