I was a wee one when i got my iphone 4. still have it to this day (but Pocket Camp's not compatible with it. only thing i hate.) Its tiny and easy to sneak in class, heheheh.
sixth grade, for my 12th birthday. it was my mom's old iphone 4 (this was when the 5 just came out i think so my mom got the new phone lol). i managed to convince her bc whenever i wanted to go to a friend's house i'd have to use my friend's phone last minute
and my mom hated being called at work and it was a tedious task.
I was in 8th grade so it was right before my 13th birthday. I wasn't allowed to take it to school or bring it to bed. Until I was about 15. It was a Dr appt little flip phone but I was happy. Kids these days are getting iPhones at 8. despicable
I was on the first grade in primary school so I think I was about 7 or 8; the phone I got was a rather sturdy Nokia one with an antenna on it. It was also possible to remove the front cover and it felt so cool and new to switch that cover from a yellow one to a shinier green one. I was so proud of it.
Probably 14? 15 maybe? It was a pay as you go brick phone, and I had to use my "allowance" to pay for the cards, it sucked so hard, it was back in the day when everything cost money, so you had to pay for the calls and texts and everything, so bad, I'd run out within the first week of the month MOST of the time. But I had a computer so I'd just IM once I ran out. XD
I got a flip phone in high school. I liked it better than smartphones now. At least that one fit in my pocket. I am surprised when I see young kids with smartphones.