How old were you when you first got your own mobile phone?

15, almost 16. I was already a sophomore in high school, meaning I haven't had them long. I've had only one other phone since, and I'm a senior now, and my first phone, despite the fact that I got my first phone at the end of 2015, my dad had owned it since June 2009, during the summer between my 3rd and 4th grade years. I only got my smartphone by Christmas 2016 because the slider phone (wasn't even a smartphone) had gotten so old.
I was 16, I think that's a good age to get one. Though it was only a flip phone
In fourth grade, I think I was 9? Not sure and I'm too lazy to do the math right now. It was a pink razr . I had a plush leopard case (not just leopard pattern but an actual stuffed-animal leopard case lol)
i was 11 when i first got it , it was days before going into 7th grade.

it was ok at the start but in the end it was just really **** :/
oh god i can't remember it's been so long lmao, mobile phones weren't super popular when i was still a kid. i think i got my first phone around 14ish?? when i started going out myself in the evenings a bit more
In 6th grade iirc. It was just a flip phone that I virtually never used, and it had a dead battery most of the time since I usually forgot that I even had it. Then in 7th or 8th grade I put it in a pocket in my backpack with some hand sanitizer and the sanitizer broke open and that killed the phone. It had a sad life. :[
I had my parents old brick phones before, but I'm sure I got my first phone (that was actually mine) in primary 6 / 7, I would have been 9 or 10. Around 2006?

I thought it was great having a phone back then, now that I think about it, I was too young.

i was about 12, i think. i know i got it in grade 6. it was a slide phone, which i was pretty happy with for a while. i got my first (and only) smartphone just before starting high school (when i was 14).
I want to say I was about 15 or 16 when I got my first phone. I think it was one of those cingular phones by AT&T or something.

I think I was about 18 or 19 when I got my first phone on my own. I don't remember what type it was, but it was one of those bulkier phones that had a keyboard.
I had one by tenth grade. I don't remember when exactly I got it. I'm thinking the Spring before tenth grade (based on when my family's contracts have had to be renewed over the years), so when I was 15.

This was all of the way back in 2004 when cell phones were just then beginning to become a big deal to the general public. I had wanted one for quite some time before then, but they weren't anywhere near as common among kids back then.
The day before I turned 15, I got a Samsung Galaxy Trend Plus.
My phone has had 3 "threats"(virus/infected), murdered 4 sets of headphones, and has randomly hung up about 10 calls after a certain amount of time.
Can you believe it's only been almost a year?
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When I was 15, me and my Mom shared one of those types of phones you can buy at convenience stores where you pay for minutes and all that. We don't have a mobile phone anymore though, although we have a landline and a tablet.
I was 9 and my mom got me an iPhone 3! She got it from one of her colleagues and gave it to me. It was only used as in iPod until I was in age of getting a real phone.
"Real phone" which I got when I entered middle school! I got another phone (an HTC) because my mom was scared someone would steal my iPhone. But this phone was not that good and I conviced my mom to let me use my iPhone hehe! That happened one year later though.
I was probably 17-18 and I bought a Nexus 5 for myself. Got a SIM card from Public Mobile that was somewhere around $25/month. My parents were always too poor to provide phones for us kids so I just bought one for myself once I had a bit of extra cash.

Edit: I just realized I posted in this thread over a year ago. Oops.
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Hmm i was in my first year or second year of high school so 15-16?
It was a Samsung S4 that my cousin didn’t use anymore cause she upgraded to something else so she gave that to me. Now it belongs to my brother lol
I got one in 11th grade because that is when my mom got a job and I had to start getting around by myself! It was a Samsung S4 Mini.
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