How to deal with flaming and spamming

I've been here for a while, but wouldn't want to be a mod. I go inactive for times on end.
But new mods sound a good idea.
Asking to be a mod is basically admitting that you only want the title and not the responsibility.

The person selected should have been a member for at least 2-3 months and be a fairly intelligent poster. That's generally the consensus for most forums when selecting a mod.
Dragorium15 said:
Asking to be a mod is basically admitting that you only want the title and not the responsibility.

The person selected should have been a member for at least 2-3 months and be a fairly intelligent poster. That's generally the consensus for most forums when selecting a mod.
I've been banned for that long. Does that disqualify me?
stormcommander said:
The first suspension is at 20% or 30% unless you did something that deserves a suspension right away. After that, if your warn % continues to go up you get longer suspensions for even minor things. The higher your warn level, the more you get suspended (or blocked, or queued, etc.)

The warn system is a hoax.

Edit: Now that I've chosen to read more than a few select posts I'll now post a response to the thought of new mods.

Well duh. Of course there should be. TBT, as long as I've been here I've noticed TBT is slooooooooow with almost eeeeeeverything. This could be with running the forum or just realizing, "Hey, members are leaving! Should we do something?"

It's almost as if the staff members work for the U.N. They get together, have a long meeting,. and tell a country to stop or else. The country asks "What is this else?" and the U.N. tells them it's another meeting to decide what to then do.

TBT does just need a mod in the traditional sense of moderating users but how the board functions and activities to do on the board as well.

Flamming and spamming...that just comes with younger members refusing to capitalize their sentences (GAAAAAAH!). If it remains a problem preach respect if nothing else.