How well do you sleep?

i either sleep extremely long or for 2 hours. no in between.
last week i slept for 15 hours and woke up with a throbbing headache
also i have vivid nightmares almost every time i sleep so... no?
On the weekends, extremely well, and always for at least 10 hours. Weekdays are a different story, as I often feel anxious about work or get worried about waking up on time, even when I set an alarm. As such, I often only sleep 4-6 hours. Right now, for example, it's currently 2:50 AM; I only slept for three hours and I'm already wide awake because I keep ruminating about work. Ugh - I'm going to be exhausted today; I can already tell.
Depends. When I was younger, I could NOT go to sleep before 10pm. My bedtime was 8pm so I literally stayed in my bed waiting till 10pm.

Now that I'm allowed to stay up till basically as late as I want as long as I'm quiet cause everyone else is sleeping, I go to sleep at midnight usually, earlier if I'm tired, like 11.

I go to sleep fairly easy in dark and quiet places with comfy blankets. I do need my AC on thou for some noise.
I don't sleep well at all, I forbid myself to drink or eat anything with caffeine before going to bed, to watch anything stressful (like the news), to talk with people..etc I try to do relaxing stuff only. I take 10mg of melatonin 1-3 hours before going to bed, wear a eye mask, earplugs, do breathing exercises and it still take me at least 1 hour to fall asleep and often 3 hours to fall back asleep after waking up. Without melatonin I rarely sleep more than 30min-1 hour straight, with it it, it can go up to 3 hours straight. It looks like my brains get too excited while the night, it's his favorite time to think about useless things (like what to do when you have foot cramps in space) or stressful things and when I manage to sleep I'm having nightmares.

Sometimes fishing or visiting the aquarium in Animal Crossing help.
it usually takes me half an hour to an hour to fall asleep, but because my sleep schedule is very wack i don't end up falling asleep until 3-5am. however as soon as i fall asleep i pass out and it's really hard to wake me up, so that's great until i sleep past noon. :p
it usually takes me half an hour to an hour to fall asleep, but because my sleep schedule is very wack i don't end up falling asleep until 3-5am. however as soon as i fall asleep i pass out and it's really hard to wake me up, so that's great until i sleep past noon. :p

And there's that one time you woke up at 5pm :p

(My roomate's- snapchip- sleep schedule is non-existant xD)

I tryyy to go to bed the latest 12am/1am. Only stay up later than that if I get distracted drawing... For staying asleep? I wake up 1-4 times, usually since I have very bad allergies/sinus issues, so I have to use saline spray. But I can pass right back out usually!

A few years ago though, my schedule was literally backwards. I was up all night and would fall asleep when an online friend would go to school. Then around the time they got home, I would wake up. Try to sleep well people!! It helps mood and overall bleh feeling!
it usually takes me 10 min on a good day and 2 hours on a bad one, i get about 4-6 bad days a month but other than that i sleep pretty much like a rock once om asleep XD
i always feel anxious abt going to sleep, and unless im completely exhausted, i have trouble falling asleep
once i fall asleep tho, i tend to sleep pretty soundly, and dont rlly like being woken up
i have to have very specific conditions to sleep well and it SUCKS. i'll only be able to fall asleep if i'm in my bed, wearing comfortable clothes, in pitch black darkness, and complete silence, with nothing but my little fan running. if even one of those conditions isn't met, it can take me hours to fall asleep :') is anyone else like this?? i feel so alone
Lol... What is sleep?
I keep falling asleep at 4 AM because my sleep schedule sucks. Having insomnia is annoying. Also being tired all the time is horrible too.
i have to have very specific conditions to sleep well and it SUCKS. i'll only be able to fall asleep if i'm in my bed, wearing comfortable clothes, in pitch black darkness, and complete silence, with nothing but my little fan running. if even one of those conditions isn't met, it can take me hours to fall asleep :') is anyone else like this?? i feel so alone

Yeah I'm pretty much the same! Whenever I'm away from home or sleeping in a room with light or other people I can never sleep
the night before last i didnt sleep and last night i slept 15 hours so
I NEED Melatonin pills to sleep. Even when I take them, I wake up at least once in the middle of the night. If I don't, I never sleep for more than a half-hour
I can sleep like a rock even in public during daytime, it's not a good thing. LOL.
I have a sleep disorder called Delayed Sleep Phase. Basically, my circadian rhythm is permanently off from what is considered normal. No matter how tired I am or how little sleep I had the night before, I feel wide awake every evening until about 1-2am (2-3am during daylight savings time). I never adjust to time changes, which is why I hate daylight savings time with a passion. I literally lose an hour of sleep every night when it's in effect. Neither daylight or darkness have any affect on my ability or lack of to sleep. Sleeping meds just make me even groggier in the morning and more likely to oversleep.

On the weekends, when I can sleep in, it doesn't bother me at all. But during the week, when I have to get up early for work, I have to live off of anywhere from 4-6 hours of sleep a night.

With that said, when I do sleep, I sleep very deeply and can sleep regardless of light or loud noises, especially my alarm. :rolleyes:
Not that well. I can fall asleep pretty easily most of the time (around 15mins-1h). But I haaaaate sleeping so I always go to sleep around 1am then wake up at 7am then can’t sleep again when I wake up. I need about 8h of sleep to feel well rested which is rare :(
Very random. Often times I can sleep early and wake up early and well rested but other times I literally stay awake all night and proceed to either sleep only 3 - 4 hours or sleep through the day if on the weekends. Makes school so much worse and it annoys me to no end.
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