How well do you sleep?

I can sleep on any bed, basically, or in the car. I have a harder time sleeping anywhere else, but it really depends on how tired I am. Lately, I've been sleeping really well. I normally get tired by like 11PM, and eventually fall asleep depending on if I'm doing something in bed or not.
If I'm tired enough, I can sleep anywhere. I loved sleeping in class (whoa rebel), busy trains in the morning, and in the evening when going home. I'll be sitting and my mouth would fall open and I wouldn't notice until I woke up lmao. Moving vehicles are the best sleeping spots tbh.
Despite that, I tend to sleep for like 10-12 hours, I sleep through all my alarms and still wake up tired as hecc. I love sleeping and falling asleep, but the waking up part's what really grinds my nuts.
It takes me like 2-3+ hours to fall asleep, but when I do nothing wakes me up and I usually have a very active dream before waking up. Well, to be honest I didn't remember any dream in months, but today I finally had a dream I could remember.
I fall asleep really easily during the day, even when I get plenty of sleep the night before and I'm well rested. I remember in college I used to doze off during the classes where the rooms were kinda echoy and the professors spoke softly. Even if I was interested in the subject, which was most of the time, I'd just fall asleep. If we're watching a movie and the lights are off, it's guaranteed I'll fall asleep. I just can't focus properly and fall asleep. Maybe because the subject in front of me is so small (or the screen is too tiny)... because I don't fall asleep in movie theatres.

At night it's a little different. I can't sleep if I have something on my mind that's bothering me. But usually I have... methods I use to fall asleep lol.
Really good most of the time now. The hard part for me is being able to go to sleep. :p
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I guess it depends of how I feel. There are times where I sleep pretty good and then there
are times where I can't sleep at all or wake up too many times in the middle of the night,
which sucks the most if I have to get up early the next day.
I sleep like a baby, if my head touches the pillows I'm out lol which is something I never understood when I was younger seeing this happen to my parents.

My only problems is that a lot of times I wake up in the middle of the night at like 3 or 4 AM which is a bit annoying but I just fall asleep again
sleep is the best and worst thing in my life lol
i love to sleep and i have to be forcibly dragged out of bed bUT! it takes me up to hours to fall asleep at night and i always wake up after 4-5 hours tired and confused. my sleep schedule is a mess in general, i can?t keep it consistent and it?s almost like i can?t have a routine, no matter how tired i am or how hard i try i ended up sleeping later every day and waking up later or more tired, i literally go through a whole ?cycle? where i go from sleeping a time normal hours to becoming nocturnal to sleeping normal again. aaaaaand honestly i?m always tired bc of my thyroid issues, but i finally got medication for that so hopefully it will help
I can easily fall asleep in the day, in certain positions and situations.
Fro sleeping asleep at night, I can really only feel that I can peacefully sleep in very early dawn like 4am for example. I dunno why, I think I get a bit of anxiety or fear or something. And if I do go to sleep before 4am, what helps me sleep is thinking of an anime character I really like~If I don't it's hard to get to sleep or my mind thinks of things that will keep me up.
I'm a light sleeper but occasionally I'll wake up early in the morning and I have trouble falling back to sleep, but this is very rare for me.
I sleep pretty well. In bed by like 10PM or 10:30. My cat actually wakes me up around 4:30AM or 5 for food, so he works as a alarm clock sometimes lmao
i sleep really good as long as i'm not distracted. quiet ambient music always helps, though. i usually average 8-12 hours of sleep, which is apparently a lot, but some of us need our beauty rest. ><
lately not well i’ve been staying up until 4 am this whole week. but usually i go to sleep around 11pm-1am