How well do you sleep?

Pretty ok on weekends and breaks, however on school days it heavily affects my mood. Probs why im so depressed often in the morning
I get some sleep, but my issue is I wake up every couple of hours and always have done. Thanks anxiety =__=
I fall asleep easily and I could literally sleep through a hurricane. However, I?ve gotten so much better at waking up to an alarm clock recently. Granted, it was in the afternoon because I work the night shift. During my high school years, I could never get up for school in the morning.
I sleep pretty deep and instantly and sleep through the whole night just fine. I just pretty much have to close my eyes and I’m asleep. Usually I have to not rest my eyes during tv commercials ( if not I’ll likely wake the next morning). I also get really sleepy while driving which is bad. I don’t get enough sleep though and I’m a night owl, so for sure I’m not getting the much neeed sleep possibly. I usually go to sleep at 12-1 am and then wake up around 5:50 am.
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I literally get 10 to 12 hours of sleep every night, but I don't like to take naps. Just can't sleep during the day and prefer sleeping at night.
It depends.

Most days I sleep well. I fall asleep within an hour generally and I am somewhat of a heavy sleeper so I don't wake crazy easy.

There are times though when my anxiety is high and I struggle to fall asleep something fierce. It can lead me to have issues for several days if I'm real on edge.

Or there are other days, like today, when circumstances such as a leg cramp wake me.
My boyfriend can fall asleep anywhere in like 5 seconds.
Once we ate Pizza and just after his last bite he falls on my shoulders and deep asleep.. :confused:

For me it's like the complete opposite.
I need at least 1 hour after eating before I can lay down to sleep,
it needs to be dark, not a single sound (except cat purring, this relaxes me)
and then it usually takes me 30 - 2 hours to fall asleep.
However, I don't sleep like my boyfriend, who sleeps like a stone.. I mean
I can literally punch him, shake him, scream at him and he won't wake up.
Meanwhile I wake up super easily. So.. I don't sleep really good :(
I don't know how people can sleep in specific places you know? I can't sleep if I'm not in my bed. My dad right away sleeps on the couch and my mom on a chair while laying her head on the table. One time I was at the hospital with my parents, absolutely could not sleep on the chair whatsoever I tried I just couldn't. Amazed how I managed to stay awake until 4am til we finally got home. During these tough times I've had trouble sleeping. I would sleep probably until 1am and wake up at 9 or 10am. But now it's back to normal. There's times when I sleep like the dead and I don't hear a single sound and then there's those times where a specific sound will wake me up.
I used to take forever to sleep but now I could fall asleep anywhere. The trouble for me now is waking up and not being tired. Sleeping near snorers is difficult though.
i sleep fairly well? i have bouts where i can’t sleep or sleep too much but i think i do good for the most part aha
99% of the time I sleep so easily! Apparently I can fall asleep within minutes. BUt lately its been cold and my mind doesn't want to shut down so it's been harder than usual to fall asleep
I find myself having trouble sleeping lately...both falling asleep and staying asleep. I guess too many worries? Does anyone else start getting all these thoughts and worries that just keep them up? Also, summer is around the corner so the heat isn't helping the sleeping issue at all lol...
I sleep well, can get about 9-10 hours of sleep on weekends and it doesn't take me hours to fall asleep. Although, sometimes I only get 3-5 hours of sleep if i'm woken up by a pretty loud sound or a bright light (sometimes small). Same case with falling asleep. Pretty much can sleep through almost anything.
I don't sleep so well, I average maybe 5-6 hours normally on a good day, and 3-4 hours when I'm on night and day shift
recently i've been getting 5-6 hours! i probably need to start making some better sleeping habits