How well do you sleep?

I can sleep in a few minutes, even if I'm not tired, I close my eyes for just a bit too long and I'm out.
I used to not sleep all that well during high school/university, which was mainly my own fault for getting to sleep too late all the time, lol. But I've worked hard towards correcting my sleep schedule the past few years and nowadays I sleep pretty well. I'm able to get to sleep fairly quickly and stay asleep, usually getting around 7 hours of sleep on the weekdays and 8 hours of sleep on the weekends.
It seldom takes me less than half an hour to get to sleep, typically sitting around the 1 hour mark, sometimes more. Once I am asleep though, good luck waking me up. I nearly never feel well rested though regardless of how long I sleep.
I sleep very well on most occasions. As a night owl, I typically work overnight or late evening shifts, so I sleep into the afternoon. I just need complete silence to sleep. I’ve had to use my earbuds to listen to calming sleep music sometimes, but I haven’t done that in a while. This was only to block out noise from the outside and unreasonably loud neighbors. I don’t consider myself a light sleeper. I used to have a difficult time waking up to an alarm clock for school, but that had to do with the hours. I’m not an early bird so I found it difficult to sleep before 10:00 PM on most nights. I sleep better now that I’m graduated and I can choose my hours of work.
I am actually incredibly thankful of the fact that my sleep schedule is the most constant and stable thing in my life. since I was a child, I'm sleepy by 11pm and I wake up on my own between 6-7 am. I just have put my head on the pillow and I go to sleep immediately, I can't even read or play videogames in bed bc I just instantly get sleepy lol. I dream vividly, I can almost always remember what I dreamt and wake up feeling rested and refreshed.
The down side is that I can't really party hard, by 12 pm im already dozing off like an old lady, and when i was a child i used to miss out on all of the fun stuff at sleepovers bc I just couldn't stay awake. at a scouts camp I actually slept through our guide falling into the campfire, woke up confused at the smell of burnt hair lol.
and fun fact I can only nap on the subway or public transport and my superpower is that I always wake up right before I need to get off.
I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
I can fall asleep anywhere but not anytime lol. I hate forcing myself to sleep so I have to wait to be exhausted before I start closing my eyes. If I force myself to sleep I usually take an hour or two before I actually drift to sleep, which sucks at times when I need to be up early the next day.

Waking up is a kinda different thing though. I used to be a very heavy sleeper as a kid, but growing up in a fast-paced academic environment, I slowly got used to waking up regularly with stimuli (e.g. alarms) because I had to be up early to study or go to school at 7 am. It does get annoying around this time of the year though because I’m also sensitive to the cold, so recently I’ve been waking up at like 5 am despite going to bed at 12-1 am because I feel really cold. 😭
I used to be really bad at getting good sleep and would lay awake for hours on end on a regular basis. You could often catch me online at like 4am for example.

Nowadays things have evened out somehow. I'm lucky if I see midnight anymore which sometimes I miss (I am a nighttime person). At the same time though, I'm glad to finally be getting proper sleep after years of not being able to make it through the day due to lack of sleep.
It is currently 5am so I hope that gives you an idea on how I sleep.

In all reality I can sleep like a rock, sometimes. Other times I wake up every hour. The issue is mainly falling asleep to begin with.
Sleep a normal amount of hours? Easy.
Actually fall asleep? Really hard these days. My brain apparently hates me and wants me to worry about things I shouldn't, so I often have to first distract myself before I can sleep.
Have a normal sleeping schedule? Impossible, it goes all over the place. This is only a problem if I have things to do, which I usually don't.
It’s been bad my whole life. When I was a kid I had bad insomnia and it’d take me hours of reading to fall asleep. On the other hand I woke up early pretty easily and was well rested.

It’s flipped. Now I fall asleep pretty quickly, but sometimes my PTSD kicks in, I have a bad nightmares, and I wake up around 4 am in fight or flight mode, unable to fall back asleep. Other times I just never get sleepy and end up pulling an all nighter. Whenever I do wake up in the morning I’m still sleepy and fall back asleep. Now I get super tired unless I have at least 10 hours of sleep.
I can generally fall asleep very quickly (within minutes). I can manage on 6 hours sleep, though ideally I'd get 7-8 hours. Lately I've had more trouble staying asleep than I would like!
Updating this since my sleep has gotten better! Now I fall asleep between 11 pm to midnight and wake up at around 6-7 am. I prefer mornings so this works great for me. I don’t feel like I’m wasting half the day on sleep anymore.
My sleeping is pretty on/off. I'm usually in bed by 11:45pm, and can sleep soundly through most of the night, minus waking up for the bathroom or for a drink of water. My fan has to be on no matter what time of the year it is, though.

Sometimes I'll wake up several times a night due to discomfort, being unable to fall asleep, or anxiety if I'm going to have to travel and get up early.
I sleep really well! I am consistent on when I wake up and fall asleep so my body is intune with a schedule(?) I normally get 9 - 11 hours per night and wake up early to start my day off feeling great! I can fall asleep really fast too haha
I don’t really know. Sometimes I can fall asleep in a few minutes and sometimes it takes 40. And sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and fall back asleep in a few minutes, but sometimes I can’t fall back asleep at all.
i sleep ok !! i'm never gonna be that type of person that passes out as soon as my head hits the pillow but it doesn't usually take me too long ! and once i'm out i very rarely will wake up before my alarm goes off
i sleep ok !! i'm never gonna be that type of person that passes out as soon as my head hits the pillow but it doesn't usually take me too long ! and once i'm out i very rarely will wake up before my alarm goes off
I honestly wish I could do that and I wonder how some people can do that lmao. I wish I could just hit the bed and lights out. My one cousin was like that when we would have sleepovers. And one time there was this loud lightning strike that hit so close to the house it sounded like it exploded (took a chunk of a tree off) And they slept through it! What the heck haha it scared me so much I jumped up!
I usually sleep around 6 to 7 hours a day. I'm a light sleeper though. And sometimes I suddenly wake up around 2-3am for no apparent reason. Also, I always feel tired when I wake up even if I had undisturbed sleep.
Depends sometimes I fall easy asleep and sometimes not and sometimes I wake up random during the night