How well do you sleep?

If I'm tired enough, I can sleep through having the lights on and people speaking in the same room.
When I graduated from high school, I went on a trip with all my graduating class (small class, not in the US, so it's not like there were hundreds of students graduating lol) on the bus, I just put a hoodie on backwards to cover my face and I feel asleep. Apparently the rest of my classmates were being really loud and obnoxious (someone threw-up in the "hall" of the bus) but I didn't hear a thing, my best friend who was sitting next to me said she checked up on me a couple of time just to make sure I wasn't x.x "gone".
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I can’t tell you the last time I actually slept through the night. Oh how I wish I could go back to being a kid where I didn’t have to worry about work! I always wake up about an hour before my alarm which is the worst!
I alternate between unable to wake up and unable to sleep~ I really need to force a schedule on myself now that I don't leave the house much.
I sleep well, and I can sleep a LOT. Not having a forced schedule at the moment results in me sleeping... A lot... And I usually see quite pleasant or interesting dreams so when I wake up I'm like... That was interesting, I want more... So I sleep again... Uh.
... zzzzZZZZZZ
I get a pretty good night's worth of sleep on most days, especially due to quarantine. I have to have some noise and a little light though, or else I can't sleep peacefully. But once I'm asleep, I cannot wake up to anything. Fireworks, smoke alarms, nothing. It's only my dog barking that wakes me.
I usually try to sleep by 9, 9:30p to wake up at 3:45 - 4am to hit the gym by 5a. If I don't go to the gym, then I'll sleep in until 6a. My body automatically wakes up around these times, so even if I wanted to actually sleep in... no luck.
My sleep patterns are meh. Usually go to bed around 11pm-12am and wake up at 6-7. My body is kind of conditioned to do this for work so on weekends I'll have to force myself to go back to sleep. I've noticed that I tend to sleep really well in cars when the A/C is on.
covid really messed up my sleep lately LOL. I usually work night shifts so sleeping at 4am-5am is normal to me but I've been sleeping too much :\
It depends really, lately my sleep has generally been bad bar some nights, but I've not been back at work yet so my sleep routine was poor for a while. I think I'll be back to work next week so hoping that gets my sleeping back to a regular pattern. I know the night before its going to be so bad though, as when I know I have to go to sleep for work my brain decides, "nope, you're staying awake until 3am."
Depends, I usually sleep with essential oils (like lavender or peppermint, etc) and they do help a lot.
Sometimes I get really tired or sometimes I feel awake.
Most of the time though since I have no school, I sleep at 9:30 to 11 PM (mostly 10PM) and wake up at 6 or 7, but mostly 6 AM.
As long as music is playing I can fall asleep. It has to be something soft and without words, as I tend to try and pay attention to the lyrics.

I tend to listen to piano and string instruments to sleep to. It makes it quite a bit easier than listening to my own thoughts at night.
not very well tbh i often get sleep paralysis and that completely ruins my night... ive tried to take sleeping pills but they dont seem to affect me? and since its not a disorder or illness theres no cure since its not something that comes with a health problem and has no consequences at all lol
Usually pretty well but not great last night due to Storm Arwen making her presence known here in the UK and whilst where I live the wind wasn't as bad as the Scotland and the North it was still enough to keep me awake. Also it didn't help that just as I was falling asleep a big gust of wind blew the bricks off my mum's small container outside (the lid was broken) and sent everything flying across the driveway including snapping off her car antenna as well.
I sleep fairly well and I tend to get about 7-8 hours of sleep each night. I often have trouble falling asleep at night if I'm either too hot or cold, so I might put an extra blanket on me to warm myself during winter. If I don't get enough sleep at night, I'll just take a power nap in the day. I'm trying to become more of a morning person so I can wake up early to get more things done in the daytime.
Very poorly. I just did a 12 hour shift on 3 hours of sleep, doing another in about 4 hours and can't fall asleep, and then a third 12 hour shift on Monday with whatever sleep I can manage tomorrow night.
And sleep is one of my favorite things, too. Stress and anxiety are just forcing me up.
i sleep pretty well (7-9 hours each night)~ i usually fall asleep for another 15-20 minutes after i turn off my alarm for school when it goes off- it's really cozy in bed tbh

i don't sleep in the day unless i've got a cold or something
I have sleep apnea that I'm doing nothing about and have lots of issues getting to sleep in the first place so not very well lol. I also have incredibly vivid dreams that can trigger panic attacks so sometimes I'll wake up in the middle of the night and have to spend hours calming myself down enough to go back to sleep. I do take things to help me sleep lately (it helps with chronic pain as well) but I don't like relying on it as much.