How's the fair treating you so far?

I didn’t get the shaker which I wanted the most, but I still had a blast and am glad I participated more. I don’t think I will be able to do this much (or spend as much) for every event though 😅.

The fair helped me cope with my depression a lot and cheered me up so much 🙂. I might be able to get Inky, which I had wanted a lot from TBTWC. If I don’t get it, there a lot of collectibles that I’m interested in that I could get instead :D.

Right now, I am extremely burnt out though 😅. I was considering not doing the coloring but I’m going to try. I want to get as much as I can out of my throwback tickets and get as many as I can. I just don’t think I’ll do the baking one.
I now have a personal vendetta against dusting events with rng collectible unlocks of collectibles obtained through rng with whatever dust of the month currency is being used at the time
Pretty good, honestly! I did stress myself at some points, but I realized that I needed to chill and not take the Fair too seriously. After taking my time and only doing events that I felt I could accomplish, I felt much more relaxed. The Fair has also given me something to do during the past month and I really enjoyed certain events. :) Plus, I have most of the collectibles I wanted, so I'm satisfied in that aspect.
I hear so many people expressing a feeling of burnout and extreme tiredness … ditto … but this event has been a pleasant distraction for me and so I’d say the event is treating me just fine … I’m really happy that Belltree is twenty years old - it’s been a big part of my life for more years than I care to remember 😉
I am enjoying the fair but it is a lot. All I do is go to work and then fair entries (try and fit in eating and sleeping with varying success 😂) It will all be worth it if I can actually achieve my dream of getting a cyan heart wand 🥺🩵 (if I can’t I will cry and console myself with a star wand 😂💜)
I have really enjoyed it! Completed everything apart from the last round of Pin the Tail on the Villager. I'll try and Puck up the courage to look at that later! I have an idea though. The only other entry is my Round 2 Colourful Confetti which I'm currently colouring in! 🎉
I'm extremely happy! I'm loving all the little events, puzzles, contests, creative stuff... i have been drawing/coloring every day since the start of this event and it helped me relieve a lot of stress!
I was also really lucky with the irl prizes and being able to ger the 3 throwback collectibles I wanted :)
So yeah big success!
I've been inactive for the most part when there are no events, so logging in for confetti and events is refreshing, but also get tired of it pretty quickly idk

crazy happy about getting a snow bunny pin and NL pack though! probably the most excited for that for this event
I am doing what I can. To be honest, I am very busy right now in real life but I am trying to do what I can within my abilities. It has been very fun so far. I really enjoy the dusting events a lot. 🎉🎉🎉
This was a more challenging Fair to me than the previous one, and I feel more burnout now than I did with Camp, which had shorter windows to complete entries. IDK if I'm just busier or if the tasks are more work, but oh well. There's still fun to be had.
I'm quite content tbh, I managed to do most of the events/contests and I believe I'll be able to afford all the collectibles I want so I can't complain~

I also been having a lot of fun even with the hard stuff like the pin the tail puzzles and is good for me to have distractions during holidays 😌
I think this fair is pretty overwhelming with how many events there are as well as how short some of the submission times there are. I'm glad I decided to take this one more chill.
Surprisingly well, I'd have to say! Normally by this time in a big event like this I've got eyestrain and a sore back and I'm ready to be done, and while I am looking forward to having the time to go back to my regular gaming after this lol, I'm still feeling pretty good! I... honestly don't know how I'm managing it so much better than usual, considering there's been wayyy more going on for me IRL this time around and I feel like I actually have less time to work on entries than I normally do, but it's working out!! somehow!! ;w;

I also managed to get one of the custom shaker keychains!!! which still feels kinda surreal to me ;v; I'm a little sad I wasn't able to earn enough tickets in time to grab one of the prize packs before they all sold out, since I've been so determined to get one after skipping on them during the 2022 Fair, but I know I'm already getting some really cool physical memorabilia from this Fair and I don't want to be too greedy.