How's the fair treating you so far?

I'm somehow not feeling burnt out, despite having submitted for every possible event. might be the only member like this? idk

though I do understand the sentiment and certainly feel that it's a good thing that we're near to the winding down portion of the event now. it's been fun, but another week or two of activities such as this would probably be a bit much
It’s been great fun! It’s good to have something nice to focus on as well, other than important and boring irl stuff 😂 I have so many entries to complete/submit tonight though 🫣 i dont know if I’m gonna get everything done that I’d hoped to, but I’m happy with what I have done 😊
I know it's ended now, but I really enjoyed the event. I showed up late so that may be why I don't have burnout like the others. I think it was a week or week and a half before I joined. Had a lot of stuff going on and work. When I had time to log on I figured I would be way too late to do most. I was surprised I came back like a day before the confetti event happened, count the bottle 1 was still going on with like a few hours left so I just made a really quick guess, and the only thing I really missed was 2 puzzles or something.

I skipped the puzzle since I'm really bad with them and did everything else. Or that was the plan, but I decided to draw more reps in canvas crossing because that was really fun despite my lack of skill compared to so many of you. I missed the 2nd week of games, the coloring task 2, and the writing entry. I love writing, but I usually have to be in the mood and I didn't want to just churn one out for the sake of points and have it read terribly. So I was glad I decided to push those aside in lieu for more drawings. If others really like what I drew for them, I might do others at later time because it was fun!
I actually really enjoyed partaking in all the events during this fair! the inclusion of past collectibles was a huge incentive to participate, and because of that I got to see everything that the staff offered. I don't think I've ever participated so much in a past fair so, in terms of the event itself, this has been one of my favourites!

I'm not burnt out, but I definitely feel exhausted. there were a few things that I really gave my all to (namely the first colouring page, really just had to go all out hsjfhsgs) and I'm so tired now. I'm relieved that I've submitted everything now and I can take a breather. 😮‍💨 but I'm happy that I was able to participate in everything and finally have a shot at the purple flower wand. 🥰💜
it’s been a really fun first fair! 🎈

i always like the gaming sessions, whether i actually play or spectate, since i get to chat with other users

dusting events are always fun since i get to bug my friends on their profile walls but i like looking back and reading my wall from time to time :3 it’s like a time capsule

it forced me to bust out, and dust, my tablet that i’ve been neglecting ;n; drawing digitally has been definitely something! not my strong suit but a pleasant time nonetheless

i will say it’s been a bit challenging juggling irl plans with making sure i submitted things before the deadline >.< there’s been people visiting, surprise birthday parties (kinda fitting,) car insurance fiasco, and hospital visits !! a jam packed summer for sure haha
Pretty good. I believe I’m on track to get everything done and reach the amount of tickets I was hoping for (if my math was right). My weekend was super busy and I didn’t get time to finish the last colouring page but thankfully it’s deadline isn’t until tonight since it went up a day late. So that’s my goal today to finish up that last entry.
I was only able to participate in half the events because I couldn't commit any more time than that between work & daily life tasks. However, the only two collectibles I wanted were the Magenta Pinwheel & Rainbow Balloon and I was able to obtain both via trades, so I'm satisfied :)
I love this fair! Now, I will admit the burnout is freaking real right right now, but as I am done, I can start to de-stress lol! I have very actively participated in every fair with the exception of 2013 which I only partially participated in (I think, cuz I’m having a hard time remembering it.)

I have always done my best to put alot of effort into everything I do/submit/create, etc… BUT, I really tried my very hardest in all 4 of my contest entries, pack for the party and wonderous wardrobes. I also really tried to put my best effort into the canvas crossing reps, even though I don’t draw “people” very well. I really hope my Guinea pigs like their reps! (Although, u guys won’t be able to see one of them, since they took away her option pretty early on).

I truly luv the community effort in the dust events. Such a great way to have us all work together to complete goals!!!
Despite all my fretting throughout the course of the Fair, I managed to earn all of the Throwback Tickets I needed. I also, between the Fresh Balloon becoming available for purchase in the Shop, my own RNG rolls and a couple trades, managed to get one of every new Gradient Balloon except for Rainbow (which I would've loved and hope to acquire someday). As someone who has consistently stuck with the standard Balloons in the past few events, despite the introduction of the Bunny Balloons and Heart Balloons, I'm glad that I have one of each of the reasonably attainable ones. It's a shame that one of my three Rad Balloons wasn't a Rainbow Balloon so that I could say that I own all of them, but alas. Hopefully someday I'll acquire one.

Overall? Pretty good, actually.
Now that the last event tickets have been distributed (and I squeaked by with my goal of 204 total tickets with 0 to spare), I’ll say this fair treated me pretty well!

I was able to obtain enough throwback tickets to trade an imposter wand for two of my top dream collectibles, Celeste Chick Plush and Aurora Sky. With my last 12 tickets I’ll grab a Green Star Fragment to go with my blue and yellow ones. It hurt to give up on my dreams of Inky and the Star Wand, but I couldn’t say no to TWO of my all time faves in one trade.

I’ve never been nominated for any events and I don’t expect this year will be any different, so I’m assuming this is my final number of tickets and I’m happy with it! So relieved I didn’t have 11 throwback tickets left over.

I was pretty stressed out, not gonna lie—I wish there had been a bit more wiggle room in terms of ticket acquisition given how many hours of personal labor were required to complete all the events. I would have loved to be able to grab extra collectibles like the Mom’s Plush or the Lily of the Valley. I understand not wanting people to be able to earn the imposters too easily, but I’d also love to see more movement in the TBT marketplace and I’m not sure the extreme scarcity is doing our economy any favors.

For that reason, though, I’m really grateful the staff took this chance to bring back the older collectibles. More total copies in circulation is a good thing! Hopefully I’ll be able to trade for the rest some day.
Is the event over? I sure hope so...

Yes, you have probably heard this before from me, I am sorry to be a buzz kill. I like the community involvement, it is fun, and I try to help you all by spending unique currency. I really do try to help!

But as to the original question "How's the fair treating you so far?" I have to say people have been amazing. Amazing to the point of being drug addicts trying to score free samples to keep everyone addicted.

There is nothing natural about interactions during this event. I keep thinking people are interested in me, and what I have to say. But people are showing false interest for rewards/points.

I feel that whoever is running these events needs to be a bit more creative and have an inclusive element (not just clicking "like", or posting some BS on someone else's profile to earn rewards, etc... )

I know... you start a fan forum and get too big. So you keep people happy with fun little rewards. But the fact is this is a forum about Animal Crossing, and the casual fans who actually want to discuss the game eventually get lost because of people trying to earn rewards without heart. Pretending to care about someone else, might earn them a balloon icon.

These events bring out the most fake in people.

Nothing I say will matter though. Enjoy your confetti at the cost of others emotions!
Is the event over? I sure hope so...

Yes, you have probably heard this before from me, I am sorry to be a buzz kill. I like the community involvement, it is fun, and I try to help you all by spending unique currency. I really do try to help!

But as to the original question "How's the fair treating you so far?" I have to say people have been amazing. Amazing to the point of being drug addicts trying to score free samples to keep everyone addicted.

There is nothing natural about interactions during this event. I keep thinking people are interested in me, and what I have to say. But people are showing false interest for rewards/points.

I feel that whoever is running these events needs to be a bit more creative and have an inclusive element (not just clicking "like", or posting some BS on someone else's profile to earn rewards, etc... )

I know... you start a fan forum and get too big. So you keep people happy with fun little rewards. But the fact is this is a forum about Animal Crossing, and the casual fans who actually want to discuss the game eventually get lost because of people trying to earn rewards without heart. Pretending to care about someone else, might earn them a balloon icon.

These events bring out the most fake in people.

Nothing I say will matter though. Enjoy your confetti at the cost of others emotions!
Would just like to point out that confetti (or dust) collecting is only one of the multiple mini events that take place during these bigger events. However, it’s the most noticeable to someone who’s not participating in the events.

Despite the fact that it might seem like people during these events are only interacting with you for their own benefit, the ones besides the dust events can be a good way to meet more people on the site. I’ve made friends through them (or… I think so but I might just be delusional 😭), you just have to participate in events besides the dusting ones. Team events are a really good way to do that.

Is the event over? I sure hope so...

Yes, you have probably heard this before from me, I am sorry to be a buzz kill. I like the community involvement, it is fun, and I try to help you all by spending unique currency. I really do try to help!

But as to the original question "How's the fair treating you so far?" I have to say people have been amazing. Amazing to the point of being drug addicts trying to score free samples to keep everyone addicted.

There is nothing natural about interactions during this event. I keep thinking people are interested in me, and what I have to say. But people are showing false interest for rewards/points.

I feel that whoever is running these events needs to be a bit more creative and have an inclusive element (not just clicking "like", or posting some BS on someone else's profile to earn rewards, etc... )

I know... you start a fan forum and get too big. So you keep people happy with fun little rewards. But the fact is this is a forum about Animal Crossing, and the casual fans who actually want to discuss the game eventually get lost because of people trying to earn rewards without heart. Pretending to care about someone else, might earn them a balloon icon.

These events bring out the most fake in people.

Nothing I say will matter though. Enjoy your confetti at the cost of others emotions!

I want to say that this is extremely disrespectful to both the mods/admins and members.

Drug addicts? What are you talking about? I get you don’t like the event but I think you’re going too far. Skip the event if you don’t like it.

I kinda get the fake comment and feeling like your voice isn’t getting heard but no need to insult to community for that.

Activity in the animal crossing forums a
have been decreasing, not to mention a lot of things have already been discussed so it’s understandable that there aren’t a lot responses.
I'm going to play the devils advocate. I know Shawn is getting flak for what they posted and they should've curated their post to be less aggressive and rude, but they're also not wrong to an extent.

I mean how many times have the events had some kind of shadiness to them? I might sound like a broken record bringing it up, but the Christmas event really showed that side of us that we pretend doesn't exist. I know some have messaged me years ago and I thought they were being friendly and wanted to check in only to find out it was an ulterior motive that led to collectibles. Someone even message me with some sob story about a collectible they wanted for sentimental reasons. I just didn't care and didn't have a use for the event points so I gave it to them only to find out they were trying to sell it the next day. With fakeness like that, I can understand where Shawn is coming from. It's icky.

I really love the events and the community. Don't take what I said the wrong way. I think you're all awesome. And the staff really put their all into each event. I can't say I've done them all, but the ones I've taken part in have been a lot of fun! Maybe there could be some kind of opt in for those that don't want to be part of a dust collecting event. Like opt in to be part of the collecting. I can't stress enough that I enjoy the forum and community and I'm glad to be part of it. There's so many wonderful members on here. ❤️
I see...I'd like to give my two cents on this since it has been lingering on my mind
It makes sense to me why Shawn is feeling hurt overall due to the events- but I also want to say that by making a post worded in such a way, it'll hurt the people who are being genuine. And since everyone is different, how much interaction you want from the other person could be too much for them because people have lives outside of the site and whatnot. I definitely think that there are people who just talk and do the events just to do them- but I feel like there's also people who are actually engaged in conversation despite it being short (but it's not to say that Shawn's feelings aren't valid)
Definitely not. I don't agree with how they worded their post. I'm just going to assume they posted in the heat of the moment. It's why I stepped on the other side to 'play devil's advocate' as I can see where they are coming from, but they were way out of line with their aggressive and rude post.

I didn't quote anyone who replied to him as I wasn't calling anyone out. Or at least not trying to. I'm really sorry if I upset anyone. I do find the dust collecting events fun, but I think they can make the forums a bit superficial at times because everyone is in a hurry to get their points and then crickets. So for someone who may be wanting to have an actual conversation I can see it getting annoying when others just react to get those react points or post something fast to get their post points. And it usually revolves around the collectibles. Which is why I brought up my last bit.