How's the weather for you today?

Perfect! It's been pretty cold and rainy for the past few weeks but now we're set to have pleasant summer weather. Currently it's a nice 17c outside and a sunny day ☀️
Screenshot 2024-06-21 4.06.13 PM.png


How's that for the first full day of summer?The next three months are gonna be fun.
It was sunny and reached a high of 99 degrees. It’s been around this temperature every day for several days. Thankfully it’ll go down to around 90 soon.
Its cloudy outside right now, and 77 degrees! Honestly it looks like it could rain but I don't think it will. I actually prefer cloudy weather in the summer.
It is a super nice day. It is cool with a slight breeze and the humidity dropped overnight. I'll have to mow later today since it is so nice.
Finally a summer day after weeks and weeks of grey sky... Which I am going to complain about because it is too hot! 😂
It is sunny, around 28°C today, 32°C is to be expected tomorrow...
Sunny and warm at 22°C! It's gonna be even warmer tomorrow, 26°C, maybe the hottest weather it's been here all summer! Thankfully the weather will cool back down after that ☀️
Luckily it's still cool but I think it may be slightly warmer than yesterday?
It's nice to have the windows open. It'll be even nicer in the future when the tree is gone. Squawking birds like to sit in it and well squawk as loud as they can. It angers my youngest dog and then I in turn get annoyed at both of them making loud noises forever lol.

(Tree is already damaged from storm)
It has been pretty warm these last few days and slightly humid. I knew that the lower 80 degree weather would not last for long and this is around the time where it starts to hit 90 degrees more consistently, the only bummer is this 90 degree weather tends to last until October here.. no fall weather.
Right now, there is some super fun thunderstorms with crazy wind and rain! People here in Colorado like to say "only in Colorado" when something extreme happens 🙄 (like extreme weather doesn't exist anywhere else), but this is truly impressive!

Not excited by the flash flood warnings though, but normally things work out.
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It's been raining since the weekend for me, hoping there's no flashfloods since we live in a small space now ueeee hope the weather clears soon but the rain is awfully comfy for me so i can snuggle with my cats.
It was another warm day today, not as hot as yesterday but it felt a little bit more humid compared to yesterday. The rest of the week is supposed to cool down a bit which I am thankful for.
I guess it's about to storm shortly. I've noticed lately that a lot of these storms seem to come by at around the 8-9 PM EST range, which is a bit weird but whatever.
really hot. not as bad as when summer first started, but i so badly want it to be fall already because that means being able to go outside a little bit more.
It's a hot summer this year. Last two years, maybe there was a week or two of heat during the summer season. At least now the purchase of my air conditioner from two years ago feels right.

It's expected to rain later, and I hope it does. Haven't experienced that many thunderstorms lately.