Cold. My Corycats are starting to glass surf and my legs have been hurting off and on so I kinda wonder if we are getting more snow soon, like tomorrow or something.
I want it to end. I hate winter. January and February are the hardest months to get through because of the cold. I don't even care that they are practically holiday-less in such gray and bleak months. I just want the cold to end. I also can't imagine what the south is going through right now, because they aren't use to this and I'm not sure thier grid can handle it very well either. I wonder how many actually have heavy duty winter coats and clothing for episodes like right now.
Cold and wet. I don't even get the pleasure of snowflakes. Apparently my county decided it didn't want to participate in the FL snowfall of 2025. For the sake of my plants, I hope for warmer days soon.
Red warning for the whole country. Its already started, lots of wind and rain, and wind speeds are predicted to reach 120km between 2am and 10am. Not looking forward to it, but at least I get the day off school.
It's a bit warmer compared to the past few days, being -5°C instead of up to -20°C. It's also a bit less windy, but there's still snow and ice outside.
As much as I love winter, I'd much rather walk to work in these temperatures compared to the ones from last week. I'm glad for the one day of reprise. :v
Lol, I'm from the US so whenever I saw -14 C I thought that sounded impossible for a second, but when I converted it that's actually warmer than it is here