Brumbo has 1248 pumpkins. If they give 436 pumpkins to Khaelis, then how many will they have remaining?
Not enoughBrumbo has 1248 pumpkins. If they give 436 pumpkins to Khaelis, then how many will they have remaining?
Have I been out of school for so long that the 'person with an obscene amount of a random produce' math questions are obsolete?
You guys... That post... was a joke.
Oh my gosh you're so right! I forgot about the cooking.... Also I've crafted a bunch of the Halloween items, I really like Halloween and I think I accidentally grew too many pumpkins lolFor a real, non-joke answer you could:
Sell them:
Wait until the update comes out as they could be used as cooking materials:
Actually Craft them for Halloween items:
That's just three things.
Oh my gosh you're so right! I forgot about the cooking.... Also I've crafted a bunch of the Halloween items, I really like Halloween and I think I accidentally grew too many pumpkins lol