Oh, gosh, I'm so sorry, that's awful Just remember, there are a lot of people here at TBT always willing to give a hand (including me) if you'd like. <3
Dang, I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine putting so many hours into a game, only to lose it...
Like others have said, if you need some help, the people here on TBT are always willing to help and there is quite a few people selling lots of stuff in the trading board, especially DIY recipes, so I imagine you can get caught up with things on your new Switch.
Oh no!!! That is so sad to hear ... If you post a thread asking for help I'm sure people here in the forum will lend you their aid. It sucks though to have to go through that collecting all over again ...
My only way to encourage you to keep going is to think about all the positive things ACNH has brought to you. It will be difficult to start over but if the game makes you happy then I would go slowly but surely again to what has been achieved, while enjoying your way there as much as possible.
my heart aches for you. i’m so, so sorry that this happened; i can only imagine just how devastated you must feel right now. like others have suggested, i definitely think that stepping back for a while might do you some good; you’re upset and discouraged and you need time to grieve what you’ve lost. whenever you’re ready, we’ll all be here to help you and if you find yourself needing anything, whether it’s materials or items or even just someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to reach out as i’d love to help in any way that i can
I am so sorry this happened to you. I think it is totally understandable how you feel. I’d feel the same way. This hasn’t happened to me (though I did lose all progress in a fifa game I played when i contacyed ea support about what was a bug but they had me erase all my data; it was stupid of me to believe them though) and I fear that this will happen. When my nieces come over, I let them watch but I always make sure to not leave my device with them. I don’t think my sister wants them to play too much video games anyways.
As everyone suggested, a break would probably be wise. Personally, I’d keep contacting support and wait a couple more times to see if their answer will stay the same, before I’d give up and accept the data is gone. Might end up being pointless, but I rather keep trying rather then end up wondering if there was a chance of it being recovered regardless what the support had said.
In any case, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to dm me or post on my wall. I don’t have a lot of diys left but I have some seasonal just taking up space in my house, artwork, unorderables, wallpaper floor and all orderable furniture, most posters, some clothing. I also can scan some villagers if you are looking for any in particular aside from the new villagers and the ones I don’t have the card for.
Sorry if I didn’t contribute much. Just wanted to tell you I’m sorry about what had happened and would be happy to help you if you need anything.
That's horrible! It's the nightmare of every animal crossing-player I guess! I feel so sorry for you. If you want to start a new game and need help with some cataloging or hybrids, feel free to send me a message.
I think your mistake was reformatting your old Switch before making sure the file transfer was properly completed onto the new Switch, I would've kept it around at least until I'm 100% sure I can play on the new Switch.
This is legitimately something I'm very afraid of though and my heart goes out to you. It's something I'm absolutely afraid to see happen to me if Nintendo were ever to release that supposed more powerful Switch Pro that gets rumored every year.