Senior Member
I'm autistic, it happensThe game is constantly grading you in other areas, from Isabelle's island ranking, which gives you a multitude of different requisites that are necessary for being allowed to progress in the game at all, and the Happy Home Academy, which gives your home a rank every Sunday based on the game's arbitrary criteria for what makes the home complete. I don't see why the villagers can't also do that. Just like you can just ignore Isabelle or HHA (for the most part), there's no reason why the villagers can't also say their piece and just have you ignore them as well.
Also, I think you're taking my "morally reprehensible" line a tad too... literally?
You make a valid point about it ranking you in other areas, and I'm gonna concede that yeah, it's possible. But I think that at the end of the day, like the fact that HHD/HHP has no actual ranking system, I think they ultimately don't want to. I think it ultimately doesn't fit into their vision of the game.
I think part of this is the "making the game friendly for everyone" part of things that people seem so intent to blame it entirely on, but I think it only explains so much in terms of dialogue changes. It only really explains stuff like them not calling you a "freak mental case" anymore (because duh, that's ableist) or them rewriting bits of dialogue in NH in updates to get rid of stuff that assumes you've got two feet, or the phrase "I can't breathe" just after the Black Lives Matter protests started.
It doesn't explain why they're being unfailingly polite towards you, with at best some mild sarcasm if you talk to them slightly too often... and I can't honestly say "yeah, the balance of power changing from the villagers themselves to you having control over basically everything isn't a factor in this at all, it's JUST because people complained"