I thought it was a good idea at the time.....


Senior Member
May 24, 2020
... covering the entire back half of my island with flowers.

it's very pretty but I'm fickle with my decorating and all I can say is if you want to do this be a hundred percent sure otherwise you'll be like me and spend two plus hours and about 10 shovels getting rid of 400 flowers
I did the same thing, I had a massive hybrid flower area and it took me so many days to get rid of them. I didn't have the patience to do it all at once. If you have any people you trust that play maybe you could best friend them so they can help out. My friends and I always help eachother weed/cleanup because we know how long it takes alone!
I kinda did the same thing. At the beginning I thought I wanted to cover my entire island in flowers. I had to remove so many when I wanted to put down paths and decorate. I currently have 2,135 flowers on my island, and I’m happy with them now.
I kinda did the same thing. At the beginning I thought I wanted to cover my entire island in flowers. I had to remove so many when I wanted to put down paths and decorate. I currently have 2,135 flowers on my island, and I’m happy with them now.
I love how specific you are with regard to the number of flowers...
When I first started the quest for 3-stars, I didn't know it was required that you have 8 villagers to get above 2-stars, so I planted hundreds of flowers anywhere they would fit along with hundreds of furniture and fences. I had to spend hours cleaning it up after finally getting K.K. Slider to visit.
Oh my god, I did the exact same thing at the beginning of the game!! My logic was, "If I'm going to want pink flowers, I'm gonna need, like, 40 red and 40 white flowers..." and my island quickly became overgrown with a million unwanted flowers. It's such a pain to get rid of flowers in this game since you actually have to dig them up with a shovel (versus just picking them up with Y in previous titles), so I called on my girlfriend to help me come clean them all up. It took the two of us over an hour!
It took me multiple days to trash and move my flowers. Hybrid flowers are so cheap to buy and with time travel they'll multiply like crazy. I moved one of each to the beach and they have been sitting there for forever. I rather decorate and fill in the gaps with flowers later.
I wanted to do the same thing with my hybrids! But after spending almost a week during the summer getting rid of all the excessive flowers, I decided against ever doing that. Now I keep a hybrid garden that has two and ONLY two of every flower, and just breed from there when I need to. Gonna admit, I still struggle to throw away hybrid flowers though.
that sounds scary. on my first island i didn't know what I was doing and i planted tons of flowers everywhere at the beginning.
For people who do want a large area of flowers, I recommend doing a wild flower look and using weeds to help fill it in. Those are easier to mess with than tons of flowers when you decide to change things up again. Plus it gives a seasonal change look.
It should also be mentioned I'm trying to grind fish tourney and bug off for the 5000 catch achievements and having multiple large patches of flowers all over the island is a nightmare for catching bugs
There are still flowers multiplying everywhere on my island. I've dug of some of them, but I'm not that bothered at the moment since I'm not really into decorating. I haven't even terraformed yet...
It'll be a nightmare if I ever decide what to do with the cliffs, which are covered in flowers and weeds.
Haha yup flowers can be such a pain!
I'm slowly moving through areas to clean up mine. Mine actually got so out of hand that I decided to move my rocks because they took up sooooo much of my island. Then I got even more of them from trying to move the rocks lmao.
But now I'm just working through one area at a time to get rid of them. I'm still oddly paranoid to get rid of anything that I can't get back easily (anything not a tulip or windflower basically haha I suck).
But I did make a little rainbow flower patch behind my shops and it's pretty cool! The shape is kind of awkward but honestly that plot of land is awkward anyways so I can't imagine putting anything else there.

Pro tip when you get rid of flowers: put a garbage can in your inventory. Place the garbage can where you are working. Dig / fill up your pockets then empty into the garbage. Grab your garbage and move on to the next area! Makes this pretty fast and I don't find it worth it to sell to Nooks. :)
atleast your whole island wasn’t filled them. literally every. single. part. of my brother’s island was filled top to bottom with flowers. i divided it between 4-5 days to fully dig up every single one of them and get rid of them, hours and hours each day and finally they’re all gone, thank god 😭
I moved around 100 flowers at the price of 3 shovels. It took so much my time. It was so tiring...
I've purposely started not playing when I know it'll be snowing/raining on my island so as to prevent as much flower growth as possible. I use the MeteoNook weather app to see what my weather will be.

I'm pretty much set on waiting for the warp pipes before I go flower clearing. I'm going to place one near a trash can I have or Nooks and carry the other with me; set it down when I want a quick trip to and from. It'll make buying shovels/disposing of flowers easy. There won't be any having to run all the way back to Nooks or the like or so is the idea.
Digging up and moving/selling/trashing the overgrown flowers can be really time consuming, I have a couple of areas on my island that are full of lots of flowers from breeding hybrids but I don't know yet how I'd like to decorate those places so I've just left the flowers there for now, sometime soon though I'll probably have to brave starting work on getting rid of them. Recently my biggest flower problem has been the Lily of the Valleys, they seem to be getting carried away at the moment and are constantly turning up.
I tt'd a lot in December and, of course, the flowers ran rampant (in spite of it being winter!). I just spent hours over the past week, and a lot of shovels (didn't count), to finally get them under control. I could hardly believe I was selling blue roses, blue pansies and other hybrids after the time and work it took to get them started. I could not make myself sell my purple tulips or my purple pansies, though.

Great idea about the pipes, Valeris. I'm looking forward to trying that!

PS I leave my Lily of the Valley's alone...have only transplanted about three of them so far.