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If Club Tortimer Returns on the Switch..


Senior Member
Mar 26, 2018
Sautéed Mushrooms
If we ever get Animal Crossing for the switch and a system similar to Club Tortimer returns, I seriously hope it won't be super protective like in new leaf. What I'm referencing is the fact that on 3ds it's very difficult to exchange friend codes with strangers. I get that there are children who play this game, but that is what Parental Controls are for.

On the bright side, the Switch has a function where you can add players you have recently played a game with, so hopefully we can!

P.S: I seriously need animal crossing for switch :(
I hope it remains strict.

Too many hacker horror stories.

Then again, I only ever went to the online island to get the exclusive items.

Now I have them, I don't go, as it has no purpose.

I'm not into online interaction in games.
I hope it remains strict.

Too many hacker horror stories.

Then again, I only ever went to the online island to get the exclusive items.

Now I have them, I don't go, as it has no purpose.

I'm not into online interaction in games.
What do you mean by hacker horror stories examples please
What do you mean by hacker horror stories examples please

Just look at the topics in NL.
There are a few of them.

People being harassed and teleported back to their towns.

I don't have time for that nonsense. :-/
Just look at the topics in NL.
There are a few of them.

People being harassed and teleported back to their towns.

I don't have time for that nonsense. :-/

In all my years of playing, I have never had that happen. That's not to say it doesn't happen, but that's with any online game. That is what the block feature is for. They also added a walkie talkie to club tortimer to prevent 99% of those things from happening.
There's a kid here, that's always posting how he's harassed by hackers.

Maybe he's just unlucky. :-|
I do hate the number/special letters limit and the cuss words censored tbh, but they must keep the walkie talkie there because that solved so much club tortimer problems like an annoying person getting a tour and refusing to sit down & asks for something like bells or rare items. There should be parental controls for cuss words to be censored lool because I sometimes don?t know what a person is cussing about because it?s all censored. I also never got harassed by hackers, luckily but I did meet two good ones!
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There's a kid here, that's always posting how he's harassed by hackers.

Maybe he's just unlucky. :-|

Yeah, that's odd. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but in my 400hrs with my original file, I played a TON with people from reddit and gamefaqs. Never had one issue. I've read of stories (rather, a story, on here lol) of people losing tons of bells b/c someone essentially was holding them hostage... but really, how often is that happening? The worst I have is someone being a bit of a jackass, stealing bugs I'm chasing, etc, but even that only happened like twice. And if it is a recurring issue for someone, why not just play with people from here or other online communities like reddit, FB, etc? It all seems too easily preventable.

I'm genuinely curious, what are hackers doing to troll on the island? I mean, I imagine almost anyone cheating is doing so to probably make their ideal town and home, not to to camp on an island for literally hours, doing nothing, holding someone hostage. But I truly could be wrong.

I dunno why that one guy keeps having issues. Maybe he should start playing with people on here or another online community? I don't mean that or any of this rudely, my tone isn't translating well here, that's my bad :p But it definitely helps playing with people who have a sort of online ID. It also gives you an idea of who you're playing with: if someone is acting obnoxious, greedily, rudely etc on a message board, chances are they're like that in-game too. If someone is constantly giving thoughtful, helpful responses, I'm completely confident sharing an island with them.

I understand simply not wanting to play with others, but I don't think this specific issue is significant or common enough to avoid an entire feature.
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I always enjoyed Club Tortimer. I liked talking with people around the world. I hope it remains strict with the hackers.
I hope it's less strict than it currently is! Hacking is an entirely separate issue. I'd love to be able to easily add friends from the island and type longer messages. I don't think being able to do that would make anyone more likely to be hacked. As it is, the island in new leaf has a big problem with hacking, I don't think it has any relation to the strictness of the friend & chat systems.
I am never really lucky with the Club. Not because I get harrassed, but I somehow never run into People haha. Though I think I do remember one creepy Person there, who asked me about my relationship Status and bla.

Most of the times I ran into People there, there were French People or japanese (?) People and my French is really bad and i dont speak japanese at all and neither did they speak english. soooo..

But Id really hope they raise the character number since only 4 People seems a bit low. Id wish there were more People on the online thingy.
To be honest, I don't really care if they bring back Club Tortimer or not. I never really use it, as I
prefer to play on my own island and since there are hackers around, I don't want to go there at
all (not sure if they still around or not, even if they are not there anymore, I'm still not interested).

I mean, I would maybe give it a chance and check it out if they bring it back and maybe change
some things, at least taking more care of "troublemakers" and so on.
I hope it's less strict than it currently is! I'd love to be able to easily add friends from the island and type longer messages.

^^^^^i'd really like this!!!
i barely visit club tortimer but that's because it's really hard to type on the ds and you can't type very long messages so it's hard to hold conversations :( i'd also like more stuff to do! right now all you can do is catch stuff and go on tours and usually nobody wants to do tours. i think it'd be fun if we had more options!