If time travel were impossible, would you still play?

Of course, though it'd be a bit harder to nab event-related stuff, or just trying to collect a certain series of furniture, overall. Additionally, grass would be much harder to regrow in City Folk and New Leaf. Animal Crossing is a slow-paced game by design, but it's also a game that supposes to ease the player; Time Travelling benefits exactly from that.
I would certainly try and but also be very frustrated with it. I've been trying to force myself to not focus entirely on one thing at a time but I still prefer to do things in bursts of creativity than a little at a time overtime. I'm very sporadic so if I'm forced to slow down with nothing between to waste time on I will get bored and find something else more appealing. Mobile games are a struggle bc of this man. It would also make me feel like I Have to play everyday w its real time system so I'd dislike it more.
I don’t time travel in New Horizons because I always find things to do. I want to complete my museum and some of the other stuff, but I like that it takes time. Real life is so fast paced, and I find it relaxing to be in a slow paced game.

I used to time travel in previous games though because there were not as many possibilities. You didn’t have the option to decorate your town or anything. But I still would‘ve played the games without the option to time travel.